introduce my little town
[i=s] 本帖最后由 kuangye678 于 2011-7-19 17:52 编辑 [/i]I born in a little town called mazhan, it takes more than two hours to wenzhou city. you may not know mazhan. but you maybe know the place where typhoon landing a lot. That's my hometown. 2008year, ”sangmei"typhoon striked. The people live in the town shocked, we have never see so strong typhoon before.some of the house broken down. and some people die, It is a pity.
let me introduce three important thing is mazhan.
first, I am proud that we are the country of the sijiyou (四季柚之乡, and the base of production mogu (蘑菇生产基地)
second, about the snack, all of us like the good rou geng (肉羹), youxi (we called 油喜),and so on.
the last and the most important, we have yuliao sea (渔寮), this place maybe new for you. it is a scenic spots. more and more people are going to yuliao during the summer. welcome all of you to have a look. the entrance ticket need 30 RMB. here attach one photo I take. is not good qulity. i don't know the place named mazhan,but from the picture,it seems there is a beautiful place. :) A beautiful place ,isn't it ?I wanna go there someday. [b]回复 [url=]5#[/url] [i]冰琪殇[/i] [/b]
welcome, where are you from? Form to the pictues, it is a beautiful place [b]回复 [url=]6#[/url] [i]cradlexy[/i] [/b]
some people said that is Hawaii in the east.:D Beautiful and nice place.
I will go. Yeah,it's reallly an amazing city~!~!
I'll go someday`!~! thank you for your introduction of your hometown. beautiful place