每日听写 2007-11-15 奖励积分
[ra][/ra] today in western world when women who do not float sexuality to attract man appearead strictly hard, it is hard to recapture the sense of shock experience by rhe bode wide audience of the opral commic paras by much the in 1875.at the first in culture with a hearoing are began to be a worker.:(初来乍到 实在写不出来了 Today in the western world where women who did not flung their sexuality to attract men appear distinctively odd, it is hard to recapture the sense of shock experienced by the bourgeois audience of the opera comic, Paris, on March third 1875, and they first encountered with heroine of the decent opera. 斑竹啊,上次我写的为什么没有跟我平分啊????? 楼上:
你的听力真得是very very high Today in the western world where women who did not flung their sexuality to attract men appear distinctively odd, it is hard to recapture the sense of shock experienced by the bourgeois audience of the opera comic, Paris, on March third 1875, and they first encountered with heroine of the decent opera. today in the western world where women who did not flung their sexuality to attract men appear distinctively odd.it's hard to recapture the sense of shock experienced by the ... audience of the opera comic,paris,on march third 1875,and the first encountered with heroine of the decent opera
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Today, in a Western world where women who do not flaunt their sexuality to attract men appear distinctly odd, it is hard to recapture the sense of shock experienced by the bourgeois audience of the Opera-Comique, Paris, on March 3, l875, at their first encounter with the heroine of Bizet's new opera.对于今天的西方人来说,女人如果不以自己的性感去吸引男人将是一件非常古怪的事情;因此,他们很难体会到 1875年3月 3日比才的新作在巴黎歌剧喜剧院首演时台下的资产阶级观众所感受到的震惊。