温州动车追尾事故 不能把原因全归罪于老天爷
首先,动车脱轨是不可逆转的残酷事实,当务之急是救人。可救人之余,我们不得不反思:在乘客间和温州当地媒体间流传一种说法,是雷击导致动车失去动力减速造成后方列车追尾,可这动车脱轨真的仅仅是“雷击之祸”吗?真能把原因全部归罪于老天爷吗?I think it is not responsible to blame thunderstrike for this traffic accident. some countries like Japan, there is even worse disaster like earthquake, but they never happened such an accident. So what's your opinion about this? Need deep investigation.Goverment should give conclusive evidence,facts,data and openly. yes,explicit accident report