这是每日听力的一段话,大家来分析一下,这个句子比较复杂!To the modern listener, the failure of the Paris critics to acknowledge the memorability of this most tuneful of operas, its brilliant orchestration and striking originality, suggests ignorance, malevolence or both. But the critics were only expressing a widely held view that the subject matter of Carmen was beyond the pale for polite Parisian society.
对于现代人来说,巴黎批评界对这部旋律优美、配器出色、创意惊人的歌剧的大肆贬低说明了他们的无知和恶意。然而,当时的评论家只是表达了一种广泛的观点:巴黎上流社会无法容忍这部歌剧的题材。 the failure of the Paris critics to acknowledge the memorability of this most tuneful of operas its brilliant orchestration and striking originality
这里面大肆贬低这段话从哪里可以出来呀,有点晕!高手来解释一下,谢谢 acknowledge the memorability 这段话应该怎么理解???????????
回复 2# 的帖子
应该是failure这个词,这部歌剧之所以是失败的,就是因为代表了大众观点的评论家对它的"大肆贬低 ". acknowledge the memorability 那这段话怎么理解 也许,"the failure to acknowledge"就是没有承认的意思?我也晕了 正常的语序应该是the Paris critics acknowledge the memorability of this most tuneful of operas, its brilliant orchestration and striking originality the failure ,suggests ignorance, malevolence or both.
[[i] 本帖最后由 lm6085556 于 2007-11-30 04:47 PM 编辑 [/i]] 哇,哇,哇,还是感觉这段短语比较令人费解。