英语听力论坛's Archiver

hehuhu 发表于 2007-12-5 13:01


4 A was an apple pie
A was an apple pie A是一个苹果(APPLE)派
  B bit it B咬了(BIT)一口苹果派
  C cut it C切开(CUT)苹果派
  D dealt it D来分发(DEALT)苹果派
  E eat it E吃了(EAT)一块苹果派
  F fought for it F为了一块苹果派而与人打斗(FOUGHT)
  G got it G得到了(GOT)苹果派
  H had it H也分到了(HAD)苹果派
  I inspected it I来检查(INSPECTED)苹果派
  J jumped for it J为得到了苹果派而欢蹦乱跳(JUMPED)
  K kept it K保存(KEPT)起了苹果派
  L longed for it L渴望(LONGED)得到苹果派
  M mourned for it M因没得到苹果派而伤心落泪(MOURNED)
  N nodded at it N对苹果派垂涎三尺(NODDED)
  O opened it O打开了(OPENED)苹果派
  P peeped in it P觊觎(PEEPED)苹果派
  Q quartered it Q把个苹果派分成了四份(QUARTERED)
  R ran for it R跑着(RAN)去抢苹果派
  S sang for it S为苹果派而歌唱(SANG)
  T took it T拿走了(TOOK)苹果派
  U upset it U打翻了(UPSET)苹果派
  V viewed it V审视着(VIEWED)苹果派
  W wanted it W想得到(WANTED)苹果派
  XYZ and & all wished for a piece in hand. XYZ和所有孩子一样都想分到一块苹果派

jiamu 发表于 2007-12-6 10:15


waht a nice job you had done !!!
all guys and ladies
come here and shout out pls:victory:

hehuhu 发表于 2007-12-6 10:16

what's pls means?

worksboy 发表于 2007-12-6 10:19

please! baby

DZ 发表于 2007-12-6 11:11

I longed for an apple pie and then bit it:lol

hehuhu 发表于 2007-12-12 10:18


hbzxh99 发表于 2007-12-12 11:25

my mouth is watering

Catherine.lee 发表于 2007-12-12 11:54

i have nothing for breakfast at noon,i mourned for  food,i wished for  an apple pie in my hand and longed for a piece,i nodded at it when peeping it,so i runned for it and fighted for it.when i got it,i viewed and inspected it,i quartered it for dealing it to others,then i bited it,how delicious!we jumped for it and sang for our apple pie!

guzijun 发表于 2007-12-12 15:33

apple pie? what a delicious food, i think.
your article cause me to slobber

DZ 发表于 2007-12-12 16:29

回复 8# 的帖子

clever girl

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