has the last word --说了算。 What's up? 咋样?有啥新鲜事么?
...has the last word. ...决定,做主,说了算。
[[i] 本帖最后由 Sylvia_scj 于 2008-1-31 12:52 PM 编辑 [/i]] What’s up? [color=red]近来过得如何? [/color](这里应该这样翻译的,我们要根据语境哦)
have the last word. [color=red]说了算.[/color]
[color=#ff0000][/color] 1.
He got older and older [color=darkorange]over time[/color].
She didn't finish her task within the [color=darkorange]stated time.[/color] over time -- 随着时间的飞逝
stated time -- 既定时间
回复 84# 的帖子
over time---随着时间的流逝stated time------既定时间 over time:随着时间的飞逝
stated time:规定的时间内 over time 随着时间的流逝
stated time 既定时间 over time--[color=red]随着时间的过去[/color]
stated time--[color=red]规定时间[/color]
[size=2][color=magenta]geigei ,boobulo ,guzijun518 ,Sylvia_scj[/color][/size] are all very well:qq55]
1.A:Are these fishes New Year's gift?
B:yes,but [color=darkorange]if[/color] the boss could give me some mony,[color=darkorange]so much the better[/color] .
A:We're now so poor to buy those things.
B:[color=darkorange]Good thing[/color] I have some jewelry.
回复 90# 的帖子
if the boss could give me some money, so much the better.if...so much the better. 如果是...,那就更好啦
Good thing I have some jewelry.
Good thing 幸运的事 so much the better -- 甚好甚强巨
Good thing -- 所幸的是 if...so much the better. 如果..., 那就更好啦.
Good thing ... 幸运的事... if...so much the better. 如果..., 那就更好啦.
Good thing ... >>>真好!! if...,so much the better--[color=red]如果...,那就更好了[/color]
Good thing...--[color=red] 还好,幸好… [/color]
[size=4][color=magenta]you are really my loyal friends:qq55] :qq55] [/color][/size] 1.
A:It will rain tomorrow.
B:[color=darkorange]Not really![/color]
A:He shouldn't have done that!
B:[color=darkorange]Forget it.[/color]
回复 96# 的帖子
NOt really------不会吧!Forget it------别再说了。 1.
A:It will rain tomorrow.
B:Not really! 不是真的!
A:He shouldn't have done that!
B:Forget it. 忘记这件事吧 B:Not really! 不尽然。
B:Forget it. 别提了,算了吧。 N0t really ------ 没影的事
Forget it ---- 算了吧 Not really!--[color=red]不会吧![/color]
Forget it--[color=red]算了[/color]
[size=4][color=magenta]hehuhu [/color]-wonderful![/size]
[size=4][color=magenta]boobulo ,Sylvia_scj [/color]and[color=magenta] geigei [/color]are all very good![/size]
[size=4][color=darkorange]OK,I think it's time to finish this activity,and Happy New Year to you!Now,you can join the one which is more interesting- [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/thread-20964-1-1.html]come here[/url] , [/color][size=6][color=red]challenge yourself![/color][/size][/size] I read an article about "Not really", so I am a little confused now. The following article is from someone's weblog:
到朋友家後剛好開始吃晚嚏A吃飯時,住在紐約州的朋友說他們過海關時被搜查,連一些打包好的禮物都得打開給海關人員檢查。他們說當海關問說他們有沒有帶任何的違禁品時,他們回答: "Not really".
就因為這句"not really"他們被叫到一旁搜車,我的老美朋友笑說你應該回答"No",因為"not really"帶有不確定的意思,不是完全的"Yes",也不是完全的"No"。
海關人員聽到這種smart ass般的回答當然不會輕易放過。
Please help me out. :L :L :L
Happy New Year. :P :P :P and here is some info from 小笨霖英语笔记55集: NOT
...............如果是部份否定的话, 你可以说 "Not really" 表示你不全然同意对方所说的话. 像是同样如果别人问你, "Do you like American food?" 你说 "Not really." 就表示出你不是那么喜欢.
回复 103# 的帖子
我同意你说的,你也是个很细心的女孩。但这种语境下是应该理解为“不会吧!”这种意思的。你可以体会一下:qq86] Thank you. DZ. This question has been bothering me for a long period of time. I will read more to figure it out. :) 哇,DZ你好棒呀! DZ, 可以出新题啦。:)回复 107# 的帖子
:qq76] 没太有动力,大家都不参加竞猜歌曲的活动,花了我一上午时间呢:qq68] :D 我这几天用无线上网,网速不行,到时候一定去捧场。^_^ I come back, Happy new year and Valentine's day to every body,especially to DZ.She is responsibility to our forum and us.
Thank you very much.:P 歌曲不好猜,我基本属于乐盲呀!很想去捧场,可是压根就没听过几首英文歌曲过。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
i like this game!
do you mind joining you?And happy new year to you!Who give the new qusyion? i am very sorry!it is "question". I like sang songs. i want to join you ,DZ, i like music my stock went down again!it is 601857......
回复 110# 的帖子
thanks,dear:qq53]回复 111# 的帖子
听听她唱得什么,听歌词嘛,听出什么就写什么,就算捧场啦回复 115# 的帖子
[url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/thread-20964-1-1.html]听歌曲活动[/url] 噔蹬蹬噔!哈哈,"我继续翻译"又隆重登场啦,大家欢迎:qq49] (先呱唧呱唧...)嘿嘿,这次翻译的主题仍然是-地道英语的说法,DZ最近也在学习,遇到很多好东东,现在和大家分享啦:qq52]
1.he's tall and well built.
2.take your mind off that.