[b][color=#800080]do the main course [/color][color=black]做主菜(主食)[/color][/b] 生气
做主菜 fly off the handle 发脾气
do the main course 做主菜 fly off the handle: 生气
do the main course:做主食 [color=darkorange][b]fly off the handle (v, informal): [color=darkolivegreen]发脾气[/color][/b][/color]
[color=darkorange][b]do the main course: [color=darkolivegreen]做主菜[/color][/b][/color]
you are all excellent~~~and thanks for your support!
A: I don't believe it! Kitty's just eaten my dinner!B: Oh calm down.
A: It drives me mad! I'm starving, I've been [color=yellowgreen][b]slaving away[/b][/color] in that dusty old stockroom all day! The cat's got to go or be [color=yellowgreen][b]put down[/b][/color]. [color=yellowgreen][b]slaving away[/b][/color] 辛苦工作
[color=yellowgreen][b]put down [color=Black] 强行扔掉[/color][/b][/color] slave away: 拼死拼活地干,不断地干
put down: 使(动物)无痛苦的死亡 slave away:[color=magenta] [b]辛苦地做,像奴隶般地做[/b][/color]
put an animal down: [color=magenta][b]把(老弱病残的)动物杀掉[/color][/b]
Helen: Don't be horrible. You can buy something else to eat.Tim: We're not all as rich as you, you know, [color=yellowgreen][b]daddy's girl[/b][/color]!
Helen: How dare you Tim! I didn't eat your chicken. You [color=yellowgreen][b]drive me up the wall[/b][/color] sometimes.
Alice: Hey guys, [color=yellowgreen][b]chill out[/b][/color]. daddy's girl! 非常受宠爱的孩子,掌上明珠
drive me up the wall 使我很恼怒
chill out 冷静下来 [color=yellowgreen][b]daddy's girl [color=Black]被宠爱的女孩
[/color][/b][/color][color=yellowgreen][b]drive me up the wall [color=Black]让我很恼火
[/color][/b][/color][color=yellowgreen][b]chill out [color=Black]冷静[/color][/b][/color] A daddy's girl: 乖乖女
drive sb. up the wall: 把人搞得心烦意乱
chill out: 冷静下来
[size=3][color=magenta][b]Sylvia_scj [/b][/color][/size]and[size=3][color=magenta][b] viscas [/b][/color][/size]are both marvellous~:qq88]
explain the green
Alice: Happy Chinese New Year Helen! What are you doing?Helen: Reading about our [color=yellowgreen][b]Chinese astrology signs[/b][/color].
Alice: Oh [b][color=yellowgreen]do tell[/color][/b]. Chinese astrology signs 十二生肖
do tell 说来听听 I did read it!And today? 这种句子有点难翻? Chinese astrology sign: [color=darkorange][b]中国生肖[/b][/color]
do tell: [b][color=darkorange]有这种事,说来听听[/color][/b]
[color=#000000]so, [size=4][color=magenta][b]Sylvia_scj[/b][/color][/size] gave us the right answer again~:qq49] [/color]
explain the blue words
Helen: Well, I was born in '86 so I'm a tiger. I have [b][color=yellowgreen]an air of authority[/color][/b] and am courageous but I'm also [color=yellowgreen][b]prone to emotional outbursts[/b][/color] and react poorly under stress.Alice: Oh, what am I?
Helen: You're magnanimous and highly intelligent but venomous if [color=yellowgreen][b]you're crossed[/b][/color].
Alice: It's all true! an air of authority 一股威严
prone to emotional outbursts 易于情绪爆发
if you're crossed 如果有人欺骗你 大家快来参加哟:qq53] [b][color=yellowgreen]an air of authority[/color][/b]: 有权威的气息
[b][color=yellowgreen]be prone to emotional outbursts:[/color][/b] 容易情绪化发作
[b][color=#9acd32]you're crossed[/color][/b]: 你生气/发脾气
explain the blue words
Oh Nurse Alice. You're the queen of my palace.I don't know if you care for me. But I must tell my feelings free.Who knows what's[b][color=yellowgreen] in store[/color][/b]. Do you find me [b][color=yellowgreen]an awful bore[/color][/b]?Are we really [color=yellowgreen][b]poles apart[/b][/color]? in store: 即将来临的an awful bore: 极度令人讨厌的人
poles apart: 截然相反 [b][color=yellowgreen]in store [color=Black]将来的事
[/color][/color][/b][b][color=yellowgreen]an awful bore [color=Black]非常讨厌的人
[/color][/color][/b][color=yellowgreen][b]poles apart[color=Black] 不是同一路人[/color][/b][/color] [b][color=yellowgreen]in store [color=darkslategray]贮藏着[/color][color=black]
[/color][/color][/b][b][color=yellowgreen]an awful bore [color=darkslategray]很厭煩的人[/color][color=black]
[/color][/color][/b][color=yellowgreen][b]poles apart[color=black] [/color][color=darkslategray]截然相反, 南辕北辙[/color][/b][/color] 版主英语老好的咯 能分享下怎么学好英语呢 in store: [b][color=darkorange]必将到来,快要发生[/color][/b]
an awful bore: [color=darkorange][b]令人厌烦透了[/b][/color]
poles apart: [b][color=darkorange]大相径庭,完全相反[/color][/b]
回复 227# 的帖子
呵呵,哪有啦,我也在和大家一起学呢:qq53]enplain the blue words
Alice: Oh! Who's a pretty little girl? What a lovely smile! Aren't you lovely? Oh, oh, oh!Dr. Laver: Excellent, excellent - [color=yellowgreen][b]you're a natural[/b][/color]. You'll [color=yellowgreen][b]make a very good nurse[/b][/color] here and a lovely mother one day I'm sure. 不是很会翻译 好像就是说一个小女孩很可爱啊 ?是吗 [color=yellowgreen][b]you're a natural [color=Black]很有天分
[/color][/b][/color][color=yellowgreen][b]make a very good nurse [color=Black]你将会成为一个很好的护士[/color][/b][/color] you're a natural. 你很有天赋。
make a very good nurse 成为一个很棒的护士 you're a natural. 你是个天才.
you'll make a good nurse. 你将会成为一个好护士. you're a natural (informal): [color=yellowgreen][b]天生的,非常适合做某事[/b][/color]
make a very good nurse: [color=yellowgreen][b]做个好护士[/b][/color]
回复 231# 的帖子
Michal: Hey Tim, what are you doing?Tim: I'm fixing this tap. I can't [color=yellowgreen][b]put up with[/b][/color] that drip-drip noise anymore.
Michal: Have you turned off the water?
Tim: I told you. That's what I'm working on. Oh, go away Michal. You're [b][color=yellowgreen]putting me off[/color][/b]. put up with 忍受
putting me off 气(烦)死我了 put up with: 容忍
put sb. off: 使某人分心 put up with: 忍受
put sb. off: 分散我的注意力