put me off: [color=darkorange][b]打扰我[/b][/color]
explain the blue phrase
Tim: Oh, go away Michal. You're putting me off. One more turn and then ... aaaaaargh! Oh no! Michal! Help! Stop the water! Aaaaaargh!Michal: [b][color=yellowgreen]I told you so![/color][/b]
Tim: Hurry up, I'm [color=yellowgreen][b]getting soaked[/b][/color]! [b][color=yellowgreen]I told you so! [color=Black]我告诉过你(关掉水)[/color][/color][/b]
[color=yellowgreen][b]getting soaked[/b][/color] [b]湿透了[/b] [b][color=yellowgreen]I told you so![/color][color=black]我警告过你! 或,我告诉过你(会这样)的![/color][/b]
[color=yellowgreen][b]getting soaked [color=black](我)全湿透了. [/color][/b][/color] I told you so! 我告诉你会这样的
getting soaked 成落汤鸡了 I told you so! 我告诉过你啦!
get soaked 被淋湿了 [b][color=#9acd32]I told you so: [/color][color=darkorange]我早提醒过你,我告诉过你会这样[/color][/b]
get soaked:[color=darkorange] 使弄湿,被倾盆大雨淋湿[/color]
[/color][/color][/b]so,this time,[size=4][b][color=#9acd32][color=darkorange][color=magenta]viscas , Life_on_journey , laoli1112 [/color][/color][/color][/b][/size]and[size=4][b][color=#9acd32][color=darkorange][color=magenta] Sylvia_scj[/color][/color] [/color][/size][/b]you all did your job well~~:qq49]
:qq55] :qq55]
explain the blue phrases
Helen: What's going on here? [color=yellowgreen][b]What a mess![/b][/color] Dad'll kill me.Michal: It's the water. Tim didn't turn off it before trying to fix the tap.
Helen: Honestly Tim! You're [color=yellowgreen][b]as thick as two short planks[/b][/color] sometimes. [color=yellowgreen][b]What a mess [color=Black]太乱了[/color]
[/b][/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]as thick as two short planks [color=Black]太白痴了
ps 这次的对话 是不是还是上两个延续啊?
[/color][/b][/color] What a mess 真是一团糟!
as thick as two short planks 蠢透了 What a mess 乱七八糟的!
as thick as two short planks 不开窍 What a mess! 真乱啊!(乱极了!)
as thick as two short planks. 笨的要死!(蠢的无可救药)
回复 249# 的帖子
真聪明,有敏锐的观察力还很细心啊 What a mess: 混乱不堪as thick as two short planks: 不聪明
so,[size=4][color=#ff00ff][b]viscas , Sylvia_scj[color=#9acd32] [/color][color=magenta], [/color][/b][color=#ff00ff][b][color=magenta]laoli1112[/color][/b] , [b]Life_on_journey [/b][/color][/color][/size]all did their good jobs :qq49] congratulations!
explain the blue words
Helen: Get the mop! I want this floor as dry as a bone now! Dad's [color=yellowgreen][b]coming round[/b][/color] later to check the flat.Tim: Is he?
Tim and Michal: Oh no!
Helen: No, I'm just [color=yellowgreen][b]winding you up[/b][/color]! coming round 造访
winding you up 逗你们玩
[[i] 本帖最后由 laoli1112 于 2008-5-26 03:32 PM 编辑 [/i]] come round: 造访
wind sb. up: 捉弄某人 come round: 来这里
winding you up: 跟你开玩笑 come round: 前来, 过访
wind someone up (informal): 捉弄某人,和某人开玩笑
[size=4][b][color=#ff00ff]viscas , Sylvia_scj[/color][color=#9acd32] [/color][color=magenta], [/color][/b][color=#ff00ff][color=magenta][b]laoli1112[/b][/color] [/color][/size]每天都捧场哦[size=4][color=#ff00ff]:qq53] [/color][/size]
Dear Mr Hunter,[color=yellowgreen][b]Vacancy reference[/b][/color]: Assistant manager
Further to your application for the above position, I am pleased to be able to invite you to attend an interview.
Please report to the HR office on Tuesday 11th March at 1 pm.
If you have any [color=yellowgreen][b]access needs[/b][/color] in order to complete your job or be able to attend the interview, please let me know as soon as possible. Vacancy reference: 空缺职位参考
access needs: 前往某地的特别要求 [color=yellowgreen][b]Vacancy reference : [color=Black]要申请的职务[/color]
[/b][/color][color=yellowgreen][b]access needs: [color=Black]其他要求[/color][/b][/color] Vacancy reference: 岗位参考
access needs: 附加条件(要求) Vacancy reference: [color=yellowgreen][b]空缺职位[/b][/color]
access needs: [color=yellowgreen][b]前往某地的特别需求[/b][/color]
John:How did you do in the economics test Helen?Helen: I failed miserably.
John: Oh poor you! I got 98%. Didn't want to get a perfect score. Might have looked a bit suspicious, given me [b][color=yellowgreen]r[/color][color=yellowgreen]ecent [/color][color=yellowgreen] track record[/color][/b]. Bet you wished you'd [color=yellowgreen][b]sneaked a peek at[/b][/color] the answers when you had your chance.
Helen: Oh I don't ... recent track record: 近期的成绩记录
sneaked a peek at: 偷瞄;偷窥
回复 264# 的帖子
access needs: 前往某地的特别需求如果 access needs 翻译成 “前往某地的特别需求” 那么我想问一下整句话你要怎么翻译? [color=Lime]recent track record
[color=Black] 近期的成绩记录[/color][/color]
[color=Lime] sneaked a peek at[/color] 偷看 可以嘛
回复 267# 的帖子
呵呵,这个你翻译的没有错啦,我是说"Vacancy reference: 空缺职位".空缺职位可以有很多,不一定就是"要申请的职务"啊 首先向大家道歉哦,这两天回老家了,所以没有给大家更新:pig31) 嘿嘿,继续更新哦.
recent track record: [b][color=yellowgreen]最近几个月或几年的表现或成就[/color][/b]
[/color][/b]sneak a peek at(informal): [b][color=yellowgreen]偷瞄[/color][/b]
1.I'm a great team-player. For example,when the stockroom was understaffed recently, I [color=yellowgreen][b]jumped at the chance[/b][/color] to help out.
Prof. Lewis: Helen, how are you?
Helen: Fine really. Honestly, I'm fine.
Prof. Lewis:Are you? That's not what your marks are saying to me. They [color=olive][b][color=yellowgreen]tell a very different story[/color].[/b][/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]jumped at the chance [color=Black]抓住机会(找时间)[/color]
[/b][/color][color=olive][b][color=yellowgreen]tell a very different story [color=Black]跟你说的不一样[/color][/color][/b][/color]
回复 270# 的帖子
我不是问 Vacancy reference 的翻译 那个翻译我没有异议。我是问 ccess needs: 前往某地的特别需求
如果 access needs 翻译成 “前往某地的特别需求” 那么我想问一下整句话要怎么翻译?
thx :)
回复 274# 的帖子
access needs 你翻译的没错啊,若是有什么特别得要求... 不好意思 DZ,可能我语言表达不清楚 说都不会话了。我没有争论 我回答的对错。 我只是看到你给出的标准答案 [color=Red]“ccess needs: 前往某地的特别需求” 。 [color=Black]只是不是很明白那个 [color=Red]前往某地 [color=Black]是怎么用在整句话的翻译中。 :L
access needs 的纯字面意思我是明白。
算了我也不知道我在说什么 一会明白一会不明白的 :L:L:L 我还是回火星吧
[[i] 本帖最后由 viscas 于 2008-6-6 09:35 PM 编辑 [/i]]
回复 276# 的帖子
前往某地就是前往工作的面试地啊,要去那里还有什么特别的要求,比方说我最近住院了,那天去不了,需要改天之类的,我是这样理解的 jump at the chance: [color=yellowgreen][b]抓紧机会[/b][/color]tell a different story: [color=yellowgreen][b]说法不一样[/b][/color]
[b][size=4][color=deepskyblue]well,let's have a rest now[/color][/size][/b] Are you enjoy your weekend ,my friends?I am still working now!