The spectrum of love merges and focuses all of the arets of living.爱的光谱汇合并且集中了所有生活艺术。[p=30, 2, left]
Friendship,awareness,happiness,all of the arts of the good life,are brilliant beads strung on the golden cord of love.[/p]
友谊,意识,幸福,所有的美好生活的艺术,都是串在爱之金绳上面的璀璨之珠。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the foundation and the apex of the pyramid of our existence.[/p]
爱是人生金字塔的基础,也是它的顶峰。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the "affirmative of affirmative"; it enlarges the vision,expands the heart.[/p]
爱是“最肯定的字眼”;它增大了视野,扩展了心灵。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the dynamic motivation behind every worthy purpose;it is the upward thrust that lifts men to the heights.[/p]
爱是一种强大的原动力,促使人们朝着一切有价值的目标迈进;它是一种向上的推动力,促使人们向高处攀登。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame.[/p]
爱是创造之火,是使进步的火炬燃烧不熄的灵感。[p=30, 2, left]
Love penetrates the mysteries of life,"Anything," said George Washington Carver,"Will give up its secrets if you love it enough."[/p]
[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the dove of peace,the spirit of brotherhood; it is tenderness and compassion,forgiveness and tolerance.[/p]
爱是和平之鸽,是友爱的精神;它是亲切和同情,是宽恕和容纳。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the supreme good; it is the overflowing life,the giveing of ourselves to noble ends and causes.[/p]
爱是至善;它是丰富的生命,是对于崇高目标的献身。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is down to earth and it reaches to the highest star; it is the valley of humility and the mountaintop of ecstasy.[/p]
爱下抵地面,上达最高的星辰,它是谦虚的幽谷,也是狂喜的山巅。[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the spiritual magnetism that draws men together for the working of miracles. "Ten men banded together in love,"wrote Carlyle, "can do what thousand separately would fail in."[/p]
爱是一种精神上的磁力,把人们吸在一起,创造奇迹。Carlyle说:“凭着爱心而聚合起来的十个人,能够做出分散着的一万个人所做不到的事情。”[p=30, 2, left]
Love is the perfect antidote that floods the mind to wash away hatred,jealousy,resentment,anxiety and fear.[/p]
爱是一种最有效的消毒剂,涌到人们的心头,冲洗掉憎恨,嫉妒,怨愤,忧虑,和恐惧。[p=30, 2, left]
Love alone can release the power of the atom so it will work for man and not against him.[/p]
只有爱可以使原子的力量造福人类,而不危害人类。[p=30, 2, left]
Love, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.[/p]
用耶稣基督的话说,爱就是这条辉煌的诫命:要彼此相爱。[p=30, 2, left]
The art of love is God at work through you.[/p]
爱的艺术,就是上帝在借籍你而发挥作用。[p=30, 2, left]
-------Wilferd A. Peterson[/p] all of the arets of living
这个是拼写错误吧? giveing of ourselves to noble ends
这个按理说应该是去掉e,但查找了一下也发现有一处例子也是保留e的,难道是文学修辞英语? Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=441929&ptid=209389]3#[/url] [i]雨落风残[/i] [/b]
这个我觉得完全应该是用的人 忽略了吧~诶~人一成名什么都变了~错别字当通假~ 好文章,好句子! very good