[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/cet6/cet620110830.mp3[/audio]Dr. Gregory Connolly is director of the office for non-smoking and health in the Massachusetts public health department.He said the U.S. had threatened Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Thailand with trade sanctions unless they opened up their markets to U.S. cigarettes and tobacco advertising.“(1) ____________________________________”,Connolly told a world health conference.“That is something to be condemned and ashamed of.”Connolly did not say when the threats were made or by whom.U.S. tobacco company officials were not immediately available for comment.American Cancer Society chief executive William Tipping said,"(2) ___________________________________________.Those of us from America can only feel ashamed at our administration’s role in undermining world health."Connolly said cigarettes are sold and advertised in the Third World without health warnings and with higher nicotine content than in the U.S. Later Wednesday, the American Cancer Society announced that its new Trade for Life campaign would help Thailand fight what it called U.S. moves to force open the Asian country’s market to American tobacco companies.(3) __________________________________________.Tipping said the GATT case could set a precedent in allowing international tobacco companies to force their products and advertising on developing countries,he said the first goal of the US$500,000-a-year campaign was to bring the moral force of world opinion to bear on American trade policy.
**** Hidden Message ***** ^.^ [b]:funk:[/b] We are trating the cancer in the formal canmol cigaret.
American corparations are the serurese of acadermic ,and the govenment has become willing exemliment .
The society said the tipe govenment such importly We are treating the cancer in the formal of cigaret.
American corparations are the career of epidemic ,and the govenment has become willing exemliment .
The society said the tipe govenment such importly We are treating the cancer in the formal of cigaret.
American corparations are the career of epidemic ,and the govenment has become willing exemliment .
The society said the tipe govenment such importly