【新 闻】2011-9-10-会读书、会看球赛的鸭宝宝
[attach]12425[/attach]He was shunned by his feathered family when he was just days old. Now, this ugly duckling has found an unlikely father figure to replace them, Barrie Hayman.
The fairytale friendship was forged when Mr. Hayman rescued the distressed duck, named Star, from his incubator.
He noticed Star was panicked when he started doing a manic "waddling dance" in an attempt to escape his hostile siblings.
But Mr. Hayman says he knew Star was different, so he plucked the baby duckling out of the incubator and took him home.
Since then, the Indian Runner duck has become inseparable from 65-year-old Mr. Hayman.
The 11-week-old bird follows him everywhere, from the pub to the supermarket, and even watches the rugby with him.
He said:"When he was younger, I would put him in my pocket while I did my shopping. Now he's bigger, he happily waits in the foyer of my local Tesco as I nip in. He's not fazed at all." Mr. Hayman, who used to teach scuba diving in Australia, began doing a job of looking after ducks six years ago.
"He comes to the pub, where everyone loves him and we'll be watching his first world cup together next week," he said.
Star now has a Facebook page, under the name Star Hayman, which lists his favorite books as The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, Animal Farm and Charlotte's Web.
"He is 11 weeks old now and going through the ugly duckling stage, but I know he will be magnificent soon,"Mr. Hayman said.
海曼先生说:“它现在11周了,还是只丑小鸭,但是,我相信它很快就会华丽变身的。” lucky duck [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=451640&ptid=213635]2#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
I want to have one too.