[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20111010b.mp3[/audio]"We go to give training and equipment and establish a sustainable program that will continue to give this service after we're gone. You can't learn this in a few days. I didn't learn it in a few days," she says. "I learned it in a few years as a gynecologist-resident. So it takes time and experience and proctoring. We go back every six months until the groups are well trained, confident and competent."
Nurse practitioner Cheryl Brown is getting final instructions from PINCC staff before leaving for Uganda with Taylor. Like most team members, Brown is a volunteer, who has paid her own way to Latin America for medical site visits. This will be her third trip with PINCC and her first to Africa.
参与其中的一名护士Cheryl Brown 在与Taylor一起出发到乌干达之前给PINCC员工进行了最后的指导说明。想很多团队成员一样,Brown也是一名志愿者,她自费到拉丁美洲的医疗地点。这将是她第三次跟随PINCC之旅,也是她第一次到非洲。
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