英语短语听写10.27:be to blame
[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/up/duanyu/729.mp3[/audio]**** Hidden Message ***** Be to blame
I am to blame to for this accident
He is not blame to the memory I'm to blame for this accident.
He is more to blame than Mary. I'm to blame for this accident.
He is more to blame than Mary. i am to blame for this accident.
he is more to blame than Merry. I am to blame for this accident
He is more to blame than Mary I am to blame for the accident.
He's more to blame than Mary. Be to blame
I'm to blame for this accident.
He is more to blame than Marry. i'm to blame for this accident.
he is more to blame than marry. Be to blame
I’m to blame for this accident.
He’s more to blame than Mary.