英语听力论坛's Archiver

xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-5 13:45


歌词中说,能伤害我的,都是我爱的。也许因为太在乎,朋友无心的一句话就会让心情瞬间改变。即使最好的朋友之间也总有不开心的时候,ta 的哪句话曾伤你最深?


[color=red]Which of the sentence your friend spoken would hurt you most?[/color]


李武军 发表于 2011-11-5 18:23

different people have different ideas

xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-6 09:58

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=488452&ptid=236427]2#[/url] [i]李武军[/i] [/b]

    So,please tell me what is your idea about?

李武军 发表于 2011-11-6 16:26

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=488839&ptid=236427]3#[/url] [i]xiaomeixin[/i] [/b]

   well I have made a choice

xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-6 17:16

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=488891&ptid=236427]4#[/url] [i]李武军[/i] [/b]

    Yeah,I know.I just wondering if you have another idea.:qq88]

tingroom 发表于 2011-11-7 10:03



xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-7 21:23

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=489401&ptid=236427]6#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]

    Yeah,I think so.I can not accept it either.

jiujiu4 发表于 2011-11-12 23:25

I don't like the fourth one.

皮皮鲁 发表于 2011-11-12 23:58

xiaomeixin which one you chose ?:qq83]

xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-15 21:44

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494517&ptid=236427]9#[/url] [i]皮皮鲁[/i] [/b]

    If I must have a choice,I would choose the sixth one.If my close friends say that to me,I would cry and my heart would be broken.

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