China is criticized as the great global polluter and user of scarce resources. But in one almost completely overlooked respect it has done far more than any of the rest of the countries to overcome both problems. This is its one-child policy. If not for that policy, China today would have to feed, clothe and accommodate an estimated extra 300 million to 400 million people--more than the entire population of Western Europe. The strain on world resource supplies and the environment would have been unbearable. 中国被批评是一个巨大的全球污染制造者和稀有资源消耗者。 但是从一个几乎完全被忽略的方面来看,中国在克服这两个问题上所做的努力,已经远远超过其它任何一个国家。那就是中国的计划生育政策,若非如此,中国今天估计得为超过西欧总人口3至4亿的人提供食物、衣服和住房,而这对世界资源供给和环境来说可能是无法承受之重。 我看的时候都觉得意思差不多明白,但是翻译起来总觉得哪句话不通顺, tt0yy 是不是做翻译的啊,经常接触,所以翻译得这么顺畅啊:hug: o(∩_∩)o...哈哈偶努力找寻,终于发现了ttoyy的翻译中有错误之处-----很有成就感的哈。。。
“……an estimated extra 300 million to 400 million people--more than the entire population of Western Europe. ”
而不是“超过西欧总人口3至4亿”:P 谢谢Sylvia_scj, 你是对的, 我漏看那个破折号了, 老眼昏花了,呵呵
回复 3# 的帖子
DZ你好, 我不是做翻译的,不过幻想有一天可以做,:P 努力ing ! 哇哦,我们的Sylvia真是眼尖心细啊:pig6)页: