[font=Sylfaen][size=12pt]When we call for a doctor, we are asking him to cure us and to relieve our suffering, but, if he cannot cure us, we are also asking him to witness our dying. The value of the witness is that he has seen so many others die. He is the living intermediary between us and the multitudinous dead. He belongs to us and he has belonged to them. And the hard but real comfort which they offer through him is that of fraternity.[/size][/font] 我们请医生,是要他治好我们的病,解除我们的痛苦。但是如果他不能为力,我们也要他看着我们死去。这种见证的价值在于,医生已经目睹了如此多的死亡,他是活着的使者,联系着我们和那些无数的亡灵。他属于我们,也曾经属于那些现已死去的人。通过他,我们感受到了那些亡灵同病相怜的慰藉,虽然残酷,却很实用。*有几处,不知翻得对不对, 让同事也翻译来对比一下,结果差别很大...
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可以把你同事的翻译都拿上来,大家比较一下:loveliness: 翻得很不错哦,看的出来tt0yy的中文水平一定也很高。稍微有点争议的地方是这段中的“ fraternity”翻成“同病相怜”可能不一定合适,虽然有这种含义在内,但为了同这个单词更贴近一些,可能翻成“兄弟般的情谊”或“友爱之情”更保险一些。
不管怎样,大家见人见智吧。呵呵。 [quote]原帖由 [i]Sylvia_scj[/i] 于 2008-9-28 08:29 AM 发表 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=64661&ptid=24068][img]http://bbs.tingroom.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
强烈同意啊:pig9) Sylvia遇到知音了
回复 4# 的帖子
Sylvia_scj,过奖了, 可能你是对的, 这样翻或许更好一点 ttaix也来支持啦。。。回复 7# 的帖子