英语听力论坛's Archiver

blueskywhy 发表于 2011-11-19 21:48


"I'll tell you what's the matter, Grauben," I said. [color=#ff0000]I then explained the situation to her in a few sentences.[/color]
“我把事情告诉你,格劳班,”我说。**** Hidden Message *****

When I finished, she was silent. After a short time, however, she spoke. "Axel," she said quitetly, "it will be a wonderful trip!"


I was shocked to hear such words. She was so brave to speak such encouraging words. She was insisting that I go, even though she loved me.


"Grauben," I said, "we'll see if still talk that way tomorrow."


"Tomorrow, Axel, I'll still talk the same way."


sunnyraintsk 发表于 2011-11-21 17:50

I then explained the situation to her in a few sentences.

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