[color=#4169e1][color=darkred]在生活中,大家各有各的“抠”招:淘米水拿来浇花,洗衣服的水留下冲卫生间,和别人“拼车”、“拼饭”……在目前物价高涨的时代,怎么“抠门”才能让我们的生活过得惬意的同时又节约了成本?“一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。”从某种意义上讲,“抠门”就是节约。[/color][/color][color=darkorchid][color=blue]Every one has their own “saving” trick in life: the water for washing rice is used again for watering flower; the dirty water after washing clothes will be reserved to flush the toilet; having car pool or sharing meals… In the current age when the price is roaring, how to make our life more comfortable and save the cost as well by saving? “We should be aware that it is not easy to obtain porridge and rice or cloth and thread.” In a sense, thrifty itself is saving.[/color]
[color=darkorchid][attach]12852[/attach][/color] 学习了!收益很大 [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=506280&ptid=248629]2#[/url] [i]a514906568[/i] [/b]
What's your benefit? i like shopping on taobao,
it is really cheaper. Grown some vagetables near your house. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=507559&ptid=248629]5#[/url] [i]dragon520[/i] [/b]
And can you do that?I don't know how to plant. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=507552&ptid=248629]4#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
I don't like online shopping. Reducing expenditure is important. But what's equally important or more important perhaps, is to broaden your sources of income. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=507633&ptid=248629]6#[/url] [i]xiaomeixin[/i] [/b]
Ginger and garlic maybe easier. I agree with you [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=508798&ptid=248629]9#[/url] [i]dragon520[/i] [/b]
I did this in my youth.It's interesting and give me fun.