[b]Proven Tricks To Improve Your Memory[/b]When you can't remember a phone number or where your wallet is, it's time to play some mind games. You can take steps to improve your memory and recall huge amounts of information.
[b]1. Method of Loci[/b]
This is an ancient and effective way of recalling a lot of information, like a speech. You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well, like your commute to work.. Bill Clinton had been known to use this trick to remember his speeches!
[b]2. Cues[/b]
Do you keep forgetting a task you have to do every day at a certain time? This amazing little trick will do wonders.
Assign a cue to that task. For example, tell yourself "when I take my first cup of coffee in the morning, I'll also check my credit card balance". Giving yourself a cue helps your intention to do something. Doctors use this trick to help their patients take medicine on time.
[b]3. Chunking[/b]
When someone gives you a phone number, don't swallow it whole! Chunking is a way of remembering long things in smaller [b]digestible(adj.[/b][b]可消化的)[/b] chunks.
So when you have to remember 512125695487, break it down — 5121 2569 5487 or even 51 21 25 69 54 87.
[b]4. Routine[/b]
Routine is memory's best friend. Make ordinary tasks in your life routine and forget about them. Give your memory a vacation!
Put car keys in the same place when you enter your house. You're programmed to pay little or no attention to small events. So make them a routine and forget 'em.
[b]2.[/b][b]暗示法 [/b]
所以当你要去住512125695487这些数字时,分开记—5121 2569 5487 或者甚至可以51 21 25 69 54 87的这样记。