:qq55] [p=30, 2, left][color=red][b]一条巷子,五户人家,外加八婆和售屋熟女,构成全美收视冠军《绝望主妇》。这部热播剧从主人公玛丽·爱丽丝·扬的视角,审视了住在富有的中产阶级的聚居区的家庭主妇鲜为人知的生活。而剧中台词更是耐人寻味。下面就来看看各集精彩的结束语吧。[/b][/color][/p][p=30, 2, left][color=indigo][b]At that precise moment as Dr Hanson Mills was cutting yet another umbilical cord(脐带), other ties were being severed all over town, like the one between a child and a mother who didn't want him to grow up so quickly, or the one between a case of fine wine and a housewife who hadn't wanted to admit she had a problem, or the one between a women and the boyfriend who couldn't forgive her betrayal. The choice to separate from what we love is painful; the only thing worse is when someone we've trusted makes the choice for us.[/b][/color][/p][p=30, 2, left][color=indigo][/color] [/p][p=30, 2, left][color=indigo][b]**** Hidden Message *****[/p]
[p=30, 2, left][/b][/color][b][color=#4b0082][attach]12936[/attach][/color][/b][/p][p=30, 2, left][b][color=#4b0082][/color][/b] [/p] sometimes we are alway betrayed by the one we have trusted. It's painful.But after this,we still choose or will to trust others. sometimes we are alway betrayed by the one we have trusted. It's painful.But after this,we still choose or will to trust others. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=528387&ptid=265879]3#[/url] [i]lxw987654321[/i] [/b]
do you remember? [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=531547&ptid=265879]4#[/url] [i]sunny萝卜[/i] [/b]
sorry 每一集都有意味深长地语言,一定看看。谢谢。Each set has the coat-of-arms language, must see. Thank you. 哎,一声叹息,祝福。Ah, a sigh, a blessing. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=536548&ptid=265879]5#[/url] [i]lxw987654321[/i] [/b]
forget about it,take it easy~:qq88] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=538103&ptid=265879]7#[/url] [i]zqytwy[/i] [/b]
what's the matter? why have a sigh? [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=538102&ptid=265879]6#[/url] [i]zqytwy[/i] [/b]
you can use "meanful" to express "意味深长",sometimes in oral English,use the simple ones can express the mean more exactly:qq87] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=544229&ptid=265879]10#[/url] [i]sunny萝卜[/i] [/b]
谢谢您的理解。。。祝福。Thank you for your understand... A blessing. 貌似这个电影真的很首经典 这部剧集每一集的结束语都很有意味,是学习写作的好材料。谢谢!