英语听力论坛's Archiver

blueskywhy 发表于 2011-12-12 20:38



Ordinarily, it would have been dark by six o'clock in the evening. I Iceland, however, the sun never sets in June and July, there is always daylight, although, the temperature was much older than during the day. I was cold and hungry, so I was glad to see a villager welcome us into his home.

It was a peasant's house, and he was eager to greet us. [color=#ff0000]We followed him into the cottage, and saw there were four rooms, the kitchen, the workroom, the family bedroom, and the guestroom, the best room of all.[/color] I was quite disturbed with the strong smell of dried fish and sour milk that filled the house.

这是一个农民的家,他殷勤的招呼我们。**** Hidden Message *****弥漫在屋子里的浓烈的干鱼和酸奶的味道让我感到很难受。

The host called us into the kitchen, and greeted us with the words Saellvertu, which means, "Be happy," and kissed us on the cheek. His wife greeted us in the same manner.


We soon discovered that they had nineteen children, all of whom had just entered the small kitchen. Soon enough, all twenty-four of us sat down at the table, many of the children sitting on our laps.


sunnyraintsk 发表于 2011-12-13 11:28

We followed him into the cottage, and saw there were four rooms, the kitchen, the workroom, the family bedroom, and the guestroom, the best room of all.

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