Chinese Willy Wonka opens in Shanghai (2011上海世界巧克力梦公园)
[size=2] [size=4][color=sienna]Chinese Willy Wonka opens in Shanghai on Dec 16.i am looking forward to have a visit to the big park.i love chocolate very much.all of the lifelike works are the great magnets for me .if i have the chance to visit ,i will fall in love with it and stay there as you have the same idea as me[/color][/size]?[/size][size=2][attach]12961[/attach][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]A pair of embroidery shoes made of chocolate is displayed at a chocolate exhibition in the new World Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011. China's first chocolate-themed park will open in Shanghai on Dec 16. It is modeled on the famous Willy Wonka chocolate factory but with more Chinese cultural elements. Lots of well-known Chinese characteristics like terracotta warriors, rickshaws, gramophones, bronze wares, earthen wares and blue and white porcelains will be displayed and the show will last for 66 days.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]A chocolate-made Chinese landscape painting is displayed at a chocolate exhibition at the new World Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]Terracotta warriors made of chocolate are displayed in the World Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]A man takes a photo of Chinese blue and white porcelains made of chocolate at the new World Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]A golden Chinese dragon made of chocolate is seen at a the W[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]orld Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011[/color].[/size]
[size=2][color=sienna]A man looks at a chocolate model of Gundam in the new World Chocolate Dream Factory in the Himalayas Center in Shanghai, East China, Dec 12, 2011.(comes from[/color][/size]
[attach]12967[/attach][attach]12968[/attach][attach]12969[/attach]:qq55]:qq87] :qq55] :qq87] :qq55] :qq87] :qq55]
introduce:上海世界巧克力梦公园 玩转巧克力 畅游梦公园视觉的震撼味蕾的惊喜精采绝伦的巧克力工艺与飨宴时尚甜蜜欢乐一生至少体验一次的巧克力主题乐园 关于世界巧克力梦公园 这是一场中国最大型巧克力主题活动,也是中国第一座以巧克力为主题的欢乐园区,一个以巧克力打造的梦幻世界。吃喝玩乐都是巧克力,一进场随手奉上的巧克力,马上先满足你对巧克力味蕾的渴望,全场浓郁的巧克力香味更让你的嗅觉得到满足,来到这里更是视觉的盛宴,精美无比的巧克力时尚包、巧克力饰品、巧克力文物、巧克力日常生活用品与巧克力建筑…,大部份的人看见这些原尺寸的器物竟然都是巧克力做的,只能用惊叹来形容! 来到这里,你可以看见中国第一条的巧克力黄浦江,沿着江边上海外滩的著名建筑,全变成巧克力做的了,巧克力东方明珠塔、巧克力金茂大厦…,让你用另一个甜蜜与疯狂的角度看上海。转眼间,你彷佛被带回了过去,老上海的弄堂文化就在眼前,在巧克力黄包车、巧克力留声机…的引领下,让你看见上海过去的繁华。 这里是巧克力的梦幻天堂,将西方巧克力文化与中华文化巧妙结合,您看过巧克力的清明上河图与富春山居图吗?以原尺寸的比例用香浓的白巧克力为纸,在食用颜料的加衬下,维妙维俏的艺术经典,竟成为13米及6米长的巧克力工艺大作。令中国人引以为傲的兵马俑、敦煌石窟千佛洞,也成为巧克力做的,数百樽的巧克力兵马俑整齐排列在坑内,其气势可不会输给真的兵马俑坑呢!巧克力青铜器、巧克力商周陶碗、青花瓷…一连串的惊喜,只见到你自己和自己争辨着,它真的是巧克力做出来的吗! 在这个梦想世界中,茶具、咖啡壶、摩托车、台灯、各式各样的鞋与包,全都成了巧克力;巧克力变形金刚机器人、巧克力恐龙、巧克力高铁动车、巧克力航空母舰、巧克力时尚服装与饰品…,让你彷佛走进了童话世界的巧克力屋! 在梦公园中,你可以见到巧克力工艺大师的现场表演,也可看见可爱的巧克力玩偶们的欢乐舞台剧场演出,妳也可以自己动手做巧克力送给你爱的另一半,自己动手捞巧克力糖吃;在这里当然有各式各样的巧克力美食,满足你对巧克力美味的渴望! 你还在和你的味觉、嗅觉、视觉斗争吗?这是一个一生至少体验一次的巧克力主题乐园,一个让你想象梦想满足的地方,视觉的震撼味蕾的惊喜,精采绝伦的巧克力工艺与飨宴,是一个绝对时尚甜蜜与欢乐的梦公园。
[size=2]世界第一座以巧克力为主题的欢乐园区-世界[color=#cc0000]巧克力梦公园[/color],2011年12月16日至2012年2月19日将于[color=#cc0000]上海[/color]浦东喜玛拉雅中心举行,有兴趣的朋友可以去逛逛哦...[/size] i love chocolate. girls,don't forget to take towel when you go there for cleaning up slaver:qq86] 第一行的介绍有一个不应该是look foward to doing吗??