VERY DGOODhi,everyone
I love this website.I love this room.Thank you for wwlsscy,for your work in soul.很震撼呐..顶..
好好学英语..nice song
真是不错啊,顶! I like english song . i think so ! It is the one that I want.Thanks. 非常好听 没了哦....期待中 听不了 阿我怎么听不到呢
先学着,培养语感 [quote]原帖由 [i]wwlsscy[/i] 于 2006-3-26 09:18 AM 发表i cry
有 里 知 花
... [/quote]
2006-12-22 14:39:33 连接
2006-12-22 14:39:33 连接成功
2006-12-22 14:39:33 GET /user/m/a/maggie9/1124897639.wma HTTP/1.1
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2006-12-22 14:39:33 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Host:
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2006-12-22 14:39:33 Cache-Control: no-cache
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:33 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:38:52 GMT
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Server: Apache/2.2.0 (Unix)
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Content-Length: 309
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:33 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2006-12-22 14:39:33 发生错误,等待1秒后重试...
2006-12-22 14:39:34 连接
2006-12-22 14:39:34 连接成功
2006-12-22 14:39:34 GET /user/m/a/maggie9/1124897639.wma HTTP/1.1
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Accept: */*
2006-12-22 14:39:34 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Host:
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2006-12-22 14:39:34 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:34 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:38:53 GMT
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Server: Apache/2.2.0 (Unix)
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Content-Length: 309
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:34 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2006-12-22 14:39:34 发生错误,等待1秒后重试...
2006-12-22 14:39:35 连接
2006-12-22 14:39:35 连接成功
2006-12-22 14:39:35 GET /user/m/a/maggie9/1124897639.wma HTTP/1.1
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Accept: */*
2006-12-22 14:39:35 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Host:
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Range: bytes=935112-
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Referer: [url][/url]
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Pragma: no-cache
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Cache-Control: no-cache
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:35 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:38:54 GMT
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Server: Apache/2.2.0 (Unix)
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Content-Length: 309
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:35 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2006-12-22 14:39:35 发生错误,等待1秒后重试...
2006-12-22 14:39:36 连接
2006-12-22 14:39:36 连接成功
2006-12-22 14:39:36 GET /user/m/a/maggie9/1124897639.wma HTTP/1.1
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Accept: */*
2006-12-22 14:39:36 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Host:
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Range: bytes=935112-
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Referer: [url][/url]
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Pragma: no-cache
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Cache-Control: no-cache
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:36 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:38:55 GMT
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Server: Apache/2.2.0 (Unix)
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Content-Length: 309
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Connection: close
2006-12-22 14:39:36 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2006-12-22 14:39:36 发生错误,等待2秒后重试...
:lol [quote]原帖由 [i]wwlsscy[/i] 于 2006-3-29 09:47 AM 发表
部,同样是出郭在容之手,但比《我的野蛮女友》在剧情 上面要耐看很多!其中
的戏中有画、画中有 ... [/quote]
:kiss: 好喜欢这首,被你在我之前弄上来了,:'( I can't get the song.
请问如何下载? Thanks for your effort,support you!the words looks good but can't hear
could you renew the the Adrthe word following:
i would keep myself
i would find a way
very good爲什麽我最近都不能聼啊?
現在可以了吧?!!I can't hear it!
Let me down!:P 内容写得好吸引人啊。可是大部分都不能听也下载不了。太可惜了。
:'( GREAT```I LOVE IT 好听,享受中 5555555我这里放不出来说!! 为什么都不能播放捏~请管理员检查链接!
不知道能不能听啊 it can't hear 现在不能听了。可惜了。 it is out of connection and cannot hear. 不错!why??
i can't lhear anything **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** 谢谢 路过,支持一下,呵呵,顶你啊不顶也不行
......................................................... 很好听啊