自从有了网络,时间变得更加容易打发,日子也过得有些混沌。以下是上网时最容易浪费时间的六大“罪魁祸首([url=http://www.iciba.com/culprit/][size=2]culprit[/size][/url])”,看看你有没有中招。[size=14px] [color=#008000]Living a Fantasy Life[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 沉浸式游戏[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]While fantasy football might have little to do with the real world, it certainly takes real time to attend to your team. Not only do you have to watch all the games, but then you have to trade your players. You have to analyze your [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/stats/0ec858b5cb97aec07b97e7911703f86c/][size=2][color=#008000]stats[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] and plan accordingly, spending large amounts of time on the [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/painstaking/][size=2][color=#008000]painstaking[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] details so that you can win a pot of cash and the admiration of your friends.[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 管虚拟足球游戏与现实世界或许没有一点关系,但你无疑需要花时间去关注你的球队。你不仅得观看所有的比赛,而且还得买卖队员。你必须分析统计数据并据此制定计划。在这些细节上,你得花费大量心血,才能赢钱,才能让朋友们崇拜你。[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]The [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/spree/3689bd167376b3a139ccce8e11f258a5/][size=2][color=#008000]Spree[/color][/size][/url][/size]
[size=14px] 看视频[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]The great thing about a video web is that it has everything. The awful thing about a video web is that it has everything. I mean, you go looking for George Clooney's Oscar acceptance speech and somehow you end up clicking on everyone of those "related video" until you've worked your way to the collected works of the fake Tom Cruise. With such a video web you never intend to spend that much time, but you end up "one more clip"-ing yourself to death.[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 视频网站的优点就是无所不包,而视频网站的缺点亦是如此。比如说,你想看乔治•克鲁尼发表奥斯卡获奖感言的视频,结果不知不觉中,你就点击观看了所有的相关视频,一直看到模仿汤姆•克鲁斯的视频集。你从来就没有打算花那么多时间浏览这个视频网站,但最终你都会克制不住地继续观看下一个视频,直至精疲力竭。[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]The SNS [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/fugue/][size=2][color=#008000]Fugue[/color][/size][/url][/size]
[size=14px] 神游社交网站[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] Oh, SNS, we couldn't do anything without you. But I'm not talking about your normal visits during work hours. There is a different, darker SNS that comes out late at night, when you start searching for all of your ex-girlfriends and clicking to see if any of them have changed their last names recently. This is the dark side, and it will attack you and make you feel like a Saturday on the couch with scattered tissues lying around your nearly lifeless body.[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 噢,社交网站, 我们不能没有你。在工作时间,正常访问社交网站并不是我要谈论的内容。我想要说的是它们的阴暗面。在深夜里,你开始在上面搜寻自己的历任女友,想知道她们当中有没有人已经结婚时,阴暗面便降临了。它会狠狠的打击你,那感觉很糟:就如同你在某个周六萎靡不振地蜷在沙发上,周围散乱地堆着餐巾纸一样。[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] The Online Shopping Cage[/color][/size]
[size=14px] “网购陷阱”[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]Look, there's a sale on Taobao. But there's always a sale on Taobao. Oh, what about EBay? There's always something you need there, too. Don't forget that shower curtain with the pink [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/bunny/81a9962a21646189b23dcff8a4adc7b5/][size=2][color=#008000]bunnies[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] and deer on it that you saw at the store and wanted to buy but didn't and now it's discontinued and you just have to have it. As long as you remember the security code on the back of your credit card, you're going to find your way there. Oh, yes you are. Yes. You. Are.[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 瞧,淘宝上的东西打折了。其实该网站上的东西向来都有低价促销。那易趣如何呢?那儿也总是有你所需要的东西。别忘了你在商店看到的那个有粉色小兔子和小鹿的浴帘,当时想买又没买,现在已经断货了,你必须要买到它。只要你记得信用卡后的安全密码,你就能在购物网站上找到你的天地。是的,你绝对可以。[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]The Search Engine Hole[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 搜索引擎之害[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] Ever go look up something on a search engine, something totally [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/innocuous/][size=2][color=#008000]innocuous[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] like Elizabeth Taylor, and it kicks off an awful journey that leaves you [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/bleary-eyed/][size=2][color=#008000]bleary-eyed[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] three hours later? It's so easy.[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 你有没有使用搜索引擎上搜索过什么信息,一些完全无害的信息,比如关于伊丽莎白•泰勒的,结果这却让你踏上了糟糕透顶的搜索之旅,3个小时后,你的眼睛已酸胀不已。这种情况太常见了。[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]Reading Blogs[/color][/size]
[size=14px] 阅读博客[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]Wow, you really got all the way down here to the end? What the hell are you doing reading this on the weekend. Go see your family or read a book or watch [/color][url=http://www.iciba.com/pirate/619f7f0cd5d554f04f648576deb353e0/][size=2][color=#008000]Pirates[/color][/size][/url][color=#008000] of the Caribbean 4D or something. There's a whole world out there![/color][/size]
[size=14px] 噢!你一定要看完这篇文章吗?你这个周末究竟在干些什么?就是看这篇文章吗?去看看你的家人或者去读一本书吧,要不就去看看电影或者别的什么!在网络之外,还有更多精彩![/size] 说的很对!只要一开电脑,这一天就飕飕的过了! 哈哈,看来还是多来来论坛比较有意义啊。 哈哈,多来tingroom,学习英语还是有好处的啊! 那是肯定的了!这叫一举两得!