The battle against the [url=http://www.iciba.com/green-eyed%20monster/][size=2]green-eyed monster[/size][/url] is hard enough at the best of times.[size=14px] [color=#008000] 平日里风平浪静的时候和嫉妒作斗争就已经够艰难了。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] Now though, jealous women have even more to worry about. A new study has revealed that one in four men regularly dream about their ex-girlfriends.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]但如今,爱嫉妒的女人们有更多需要担心的了。一项新调查揭示,四分之一的英国男性经常会梦见自己的前女友。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] And the results, released today, revealed that the men in question were not necessarily [url=http://www.iciba.com/pining/][size=2]pining[/size][/url] for their exes by day. In fact, the majority reported high levels of satisfaction with their current relationship.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]今日发布的这一调查结果显示,会做这种梦的男人不一定白天会想念前女友。事实上,他们中的大多数人报告说对现在的恋情很满意。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] It is not just ex-partners that British men are dreaming about either.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]出现在英国男性梦中的也不是只有他们的前女友。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] While romantic-minded girlfriends might allow themselves to believe they are the subject of their man's dreams, they are likely to be [url=http://www.iciba.com/usurp/][size=2]usurped[/size][/url] during nighttime hours by their partner's colleagues or boss - with 26 percent saying they dream of workmates - or even their mother-in-law.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 浪漫的女人们也许会让自己相信她们是男友梦中的主角,但在男友的梦中,她们的位置很可能会被男友的同事或上司取代。26%的男性说他们会梦见同事,甚至会梦见丈母娘。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] Conversely, over a third of British women say they spend their nights dreaming about their current partner, followed closely by dreams about their parents and their children.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 与此相反的是,超过三分之一的英国女性说她们晚上通常会梦见自己的现任男友或老公,其次是梦见她们的父母和小孩。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] The Dream Study, carried out by Premier Inn, asked 2,000 Brits about their dream patterns to come up with the findings.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 英国酒店Premier Inn开展的这一梦境调查询问了2000名英国人的梦的类型,从而得出了这些结果。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] It found the close friendships women tend to hold also impact on their dreams, with a third of women claiming their dreams frequently feature their friends.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 调查发现,亲密的友情也会对女性的梦产生影响,三分之一女性称自己的好友常会在梦中出现。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] However, it seems women are just as capable of fantasy, as 20 percent say they frequently dream about people they have never met.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 然而,女性似乎也善于幻想,20%的女性说她们经常会梦见自己从未见过的人。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] The stresses and [url=http://www.iciba.com/strain/d76cf8d34dbbbcf95638558b99993bab/][size=2]strains[/size][/url] of everyday life also affect the way we dream, with 31 percent of people saying they dream about important things that are playing on their mind.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 日常生活的压力和负担也会影响我们做的梦,31%的人说他们会梦见心头大事。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] Given the current economic climate, it's unsurprising that 20 percent of Brits dream more if they are under pressure, demonstrating that it is increasingly difficult to forget about work.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 在当前的经济环境下,有20%的英国人在压力下更多地会梦见和工作相关的事,这并不奇怪。这表明英国人要想把工作抛在脑后将会更难。[/color][/size] i usually forget my dream.:qq76] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=548334&ptid=279884]2#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
Several days ago, I dreamt I died in an explosion which was triggered by the crash between two cars.:qq83]