[size=3] Chinese women are taking the lead in planning for the family's finances, according to HSBC's latest report: The Future of Retirement: Why family matters.[color=#367f2d] 汇丰人寿最新发布的调查报告《未来的退休生活:为何家庭很重要》显示,中国女性在家庭财务决策中独占鳌头。[/color]
Sixty-three per cent of Chinese women say they make all or most of the financial decisions in the household, the highest percentage among their Asian peers.
[color=#367f2d] 约有63%的中国女性表示,家里的财务规划几乎都是她们做的,这个比例在亚洲国家女性中是最高的。[/color]
The survey also points out that few Chinese women claim to be expert financial planners.
[size=3] 该调查指出,她们普遍没有信心说自己很精通财务规划。[/size][/color]
[size=3] Whilst the majority of Chinese women (96 percent) say they have a basic to moderate level of experience in financial planning, only 1 percent can claim expert financial savvy (versus 5 percent of Chinese men, 4 percent of Asian women and 7 percent of women globally).
[color=#367f2d] 绝大多数的中国女性(96%)表示,她们只有很基本的、不太专业的财务规划知识,而认为自己精通财务规划之道的仅有1%。相比之下,整个亚洲女性精通财务规划的比例为4%,全球女性精通财务规划的比例为7%,而中国男性中也只有5%表示自己精于理财。[/color]
Despite the majority of Chinese (76 percent) having financial plans in place compared to an average of 66 percent across Asia, various gaps in planning still exist.
[color=#367f2d] 调查还显示,大部分(76%)中国人都有财务规划,超过整个亚洲的平均比例(66%)。尽管如此,各种各样的财务缺口依然存在。[/color]
Over 37 percent of respondents in their thirties do not have any short-term savings. A third (38 percent) of Chinese parents do not have life insurance while another third (35 percent) of those aged 50-59 are not saving for retirement.
[color=#367f2d] 据悉,30多岁的受访者中有超过37%的人没有任何短期储蓄;三分之一(38%)的中国家长没有人寿保险;另外,50-59岁之间的人中有三分之一的人没有退休养老规划。[/color][/size] the endowment insurance is very important to me.
i am a moonlite
i will die of hungry if i don't have the endowment