英语听力论坛's Archiver

blueskywhy 发表于 2011-12-22 22:03



"Now," my uncle said when he had finished his preparations, "let's take care of the baggage. We'll divide it into three bundles, and each of us will carry one on his back. I'm only talking about the measuring instruments, tools, and some food." "Hans," he continued, "will take the tools and a third of the food. You, Axel, will take the guns and another third of the food. I'll take the rest of it, and the breakable instruments."

"But what about the clothes and our other tools?" I asked. "Who will take them down?"


"They'll go down by themselves," he answered.




"You'll see."


Hans then tied the rest of our things together an threw them down the hole. My uncle watched with satisfaction as he watched out things drop into the hole.


"Good," he said. "Now, we must go down."


[color=#ff0000]Is it possible to listen to those words without fear?[/color]

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sunnyraintsk 发表于 2011-12-23 14:43

Is it possible to listen to those words without fear?

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