英语听力论坛's Archiver

雨落风残 发表于 2011-12-25 16:45


Do you [size=2]rub[/size] your hands in [size=2]glee[/size] if an acquaintance fails to [size=2]land[/size] their dream job? Or [size=2]chuckle[/size] when someone spills their coffee down their white shirt? If so, then it could be because you've got low [size=2]self-esteem[/size], according to researchers.
[size=14px] [color=#008000]   如果你认识的一个人没能获得梦想的工作,你是否洋洋自得呢?或者在某人把咖啡溅到白衬衫上时,你是否暗自发笑?研究人员说,如果是这样,那是因为你感到自卑。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    Enjoying someone else's misfortune is known as [size=2]schadenfreude[/size] and scientists from Leiden University in the Netherlands say that the lower your self-esteem, the more you'll experience it.[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  因为别人的不幸而快乐就是指幸灾乐祸。来自荷兰莱顿大学的科学家说,你越自卑,就越会幸灾乐祸。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    "If somebody enjoys the misfortune of others, then there's something in that misfortune that is good for the person," said study researcher Wilco W van Dijk.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]   研究人员维尔科•W•凡·迪吉克说:“如果某人因别人的不幸而感到高兴,那么别人遭受的不幸当中一定包含有利于这个人的地方。”[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    Van Dijk and his colleagues drew their conclusions after testing 70 undergraduates by asking them to read two interviews, reports LiveScience.[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  据“生活科学网站”报道,凡·迪吉克和他的同事在测试了70个大学本科生之后得出了这一结论。他们让本科生阅读两份访谈录。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    The first was about an ambitious student who was aiming to secure a dream job. The second was a chat with his supervisor who revealed that his academic success had been extremely [size=2]patchy[/size] and that he wouldn't be offered the role.[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  第一份访谈是关于一个想获得梦想工作的野心勃勃的学生。第二份访谈是该学生和导师间的谈话,谈话揭示出他的学业成绩起伏很大,他将不能获得想要的工作。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    The volunteers were then given various statements and asked to what degree they agreed with them.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]   研究人员向志愿者们展示了各种言论,并问他们在多大程度上同意这些言论。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    Their responses would measure their [size=2]susceptibility[/size] to schadenfreude.[/size]
[size=14px]   [color=#008000] 从他们的反应可衡量出他们幸灾乐祸的程度。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    The statements included "I enjoy[ed] what happened to Marleen/Mark" and "I couldn't resist a little smile."[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  这些言论包括“我对马琳/马克遭遇的事情感到高兴”和“我忍不住感到一丝窃喜”。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    Self-esteem levels had been worked out in a separate test before this stage of the experiment and the results show that those with a low opinion of themselves were happiest at learning of the student's misfortune.[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  在进行这一实验前,已经通过单独测试测量出他们自尊心的强弱。结果显示,那些自卑的人在知道该学生的不幸后是最高兴的。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    To add even more [size=2]veracity[/size] to the study those with low self-esteem were tested again after they'd been given some short and intense positive thinking exercises - and their schadnfreude levels dropped.[/size]
[size=14px]  [color=#008000]  为了增强这一研究的真实性,研究人员在让那些自卑的人做了一些简短、强度大的正面思维训练后,又对他们做了一次测试,这次他们的幸灾乐祸程度下降了。[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    Van Dijk told LiveScience: "I think when you have low self-esteem, you will do almost anything to feel better, and when you're confronted with the misfortune of others you'll feel schadenfreude."[/size]
[size=14px]   [color=#008000] 凡·迪吉克告诉“生活科学网站”说:“我认为当你自卑时,你几乎会做任何能让你感觉好起来的事情,因此在你知道他人遭遇不幸时,你会幸灾乐祸。”[/color][/size]
[size=14px]    "In this study, if we give people something to affirm their self, then what we found is they have less schadenfreude - they don't need the misfortune of others to feel better anymore."[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]   “在这一研究中,如果我们向人们提供一些能让他们肯定自己的东西,我们就会发现他们就不会那么幸灾乐祸——他们不再需要用他人的不幸来让自己感觉好一些。”[/color][/size]

tingroom 发表于 2011-12-26 16:45


芳群 发表于 2011-12-26 17:41


雨落风残 发表于 2011-12-26 17:50

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tingroom 发表于 2011-12-27 16:12

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生物炭 发表于 2012-1-3 10:32


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