my first-feeling here
That's great for diff people who is new here to have a introduction to each other.we can find out the one whose characteristic is similar to ours or who is the favorite friend.However,what the most important thing is that we are supposed to be frank and sincer to everyone.:hug:
That's my very intimate view.
Well,let's have a brief self-introduction for my dear-friends-in-future,i am a tired boy from country to hangzhou for my college study;
A teenage who stand on the crossing of my life,looking for the light belongs to be in this large and strange city;
As my parents' dearest child,at the same time ,as the burden for 20 years for them,cause they themselves also are lighting the candle for me to find;
I know it all.
I cherish every possible bright way and gratitude the light-maker in my life, I think colourful and happy life is the most treasure gift i can offer for them;
Today i learned one sentence:A letter from home is a priceless treasure. Share with you all my friends,in the replacement between 2011 and 2012.
Friend is my life colour
Reading , talking ,thinking and hiking are my habits,even writting can not be more important than them
essays,novels,professional books , classic poems ,of course news is nessary for my major
what for talking and thinking?
we roomates have so many unsleep night to talk about philosophy,our country and ourselves' future,our wonderful life and question in major.
my nearby friend do like talking and thinking
What you are talking about is from what you learn and think,sincer and forgiveable attitude is the tacit relationship
even to traveling,that's more fantastic,do you know what my major is? Urban planning
I love to hike in CBD to share the atmosphere and analyse the planning: How to use buildings and people to architect culture and life. How important do our environment effect our habbits?
[url=app:ds:Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants.][color=#0066cc]Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants.[/color][/url](一方水土养一方人)
I have friends almost all over the country
I prefer to remember the hometown of my friend and wonder the life and habitate of diff place ,you can ask me to test.
other habits: Bridge Table tennis My basketball is not excellent because i need to take eyeglasses long time no write,pls kindly give me your advise,ths so much you are so great! welcome!:qq49] [b]回复 [url=]3#[/url] [i]小尾巴猪[/i] [/b]
thank you a lot a tired boy?what do you mean? [b]回复 [url=]5#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
with a lot of pressure from my big family and relatives' excessive expectation
without good enough grades for my graduation from highschool to college
having only a kind of stange instead of exciting and expective feeling to my new life
with plan for my families' bright future
maybe you wouldn't get totally,but i would like to try to express sincerly... :handshake {:7_268:}
Your English is very good,except some words mistake [b]回复 [url=]6#[/url] [i]Jonnyr[/i] [/b]
There is great pressure on you. maybe you should find a way to relax yourself. You are a thoughtful person and must have a bright future! Although the reality is sometimes curel for everyone actually. [b]回复 [url=]8#[/url] [i]Jessicalv[/i] [/b]
aha,you are absolutely right,i'm searching my friend who can communcate with me and help each other here.
express my appreciation for your judgement [b]回复 [url=]11#[/url] [i]寒树小小[/i] [/b]
I find the sentence as the characteristic likes to you is that the guys who is addicted to reading are the couple of people with rich inner world.
I can't agree more as a person desire to read more.Thank you for share that wonderful sentence good to see you [b]回复 [url=]13#[/url] [i]时尚岛01[/i] [/b]
nice to see you,too{:4_103:} I think you are a thoughtful person, your english is quite good. do not feel so much pressure even there are sth disappointed in our life. [b]回复 [url=]15#[/url] [i]Jackson_Qin[/i] [/b]
thank you so much,and may God bless you Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants.:qq49]
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