It's been long said that the year 2012 will see the end of the world. The movie 2012 even makes an attempt to show us the catastrophic events leading up to the worldwide disaster, and a modern version of Noah's Ark, a ship in Tibet where people will be safe. While tickets for the movie ship cost a billion Euros each, in real life they can be purchased for less than $0.5.[size=14px] [color=#008000]都说2012年将会是世界末日。电影《2012》也为我们展示了导致全世界范围的灾难性的场景,还有现代版本的诺亚方舟,只有这艘位于西藏的大船才能确保人们安全。影片中一张船票的价格可是1000万欧元喔,但是在现实生活中,船票的价格仅仅只要不到0.5美元。[/color] [/size]
[size=14px] Chinese online shopping portal, Taobao, has several online stores selling these counterfeit tickets at 3 RMB a piece. The tickets have been popular as a new year's gift, a comical way of ensuring one's safety in the face of the 2012 Armageddon. Thousands of tickets have been sold so far. Physical stores are printing up and selling these tickets, too. One store in Jingsau has sold 2,500 train and ark tickets at 3 RMB each. Another one sold 1,700 Chinese Noah's Ark passes in a month, at 2 RMB each.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]中国在线购物门户网站淘宝上的众多商铺开始出售虚拟船票,每张价格3元。把这种船票作为新年礼物非常流行,在面对2012世界末日时,以一种滑稽的方式确保人们安全。目前商家已经售出了几千张船票。实体店也在印刷和出售这些船票。江苏的一个商铺已经卖出了2500张火车和诺亚方舟的票,每张3元。还有一家商铺在一个月间卖出了1700张中国诺亚方舟船票,每张2元。[/color][/size]
[size=14px] Although there are several versions of the ticket, the information on all of them remains consistent - the boarding time, which is midnight on December 21st 2012, and the boarding place, at Zhuo Ming Gu dock. This is the same information that is talked about in the movie 2012. Cabin seats and ticket numbers have also been included. To make the tickets look real, some stores have introduced ticketing systems that allow the customers to enter their name, nationality and other information on their tickets.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 尽管船票的版本有很多种,但是船票上的所有信息都保持一致---登船时间:2012年12月21日,登船地点:卓明谷码头。这个和影片《2012》中描述的一摸一样。舱位和座位号也标记在上面。为了让船票看起来逼真,一些商铺还引进了售票系统,允许客户在船票上键入他们的名字,国籍和其他信息。 [/color][/size]
[size=14px] To make it seem even more authentic, some stores have put "must read" information on their tickets, stating clearly that customers need to purchase the tickets with their own money and show appropriate bank asset proof. Greedy officials are warned against purchasing any tickets at all. A person cannot purchase more than 7 tickets, which must include their immediate family members. No mistresses/secretaries allowed, they insist.[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000]为了让船票看起来更加真实可信,一些商铺还把“必读”信息打印在船票上,上面清楚地说着,客户需要用自己的钱购买船票,并且出示适当的银行资产证明。决不允许贪官购买船票。每个人不得购买包括直系亲属在内超过7张的船票。商家还坚持,拒不把船票出售给情人和小秘。 [/color][/size]
[size=14px] Besides the tickets, people are queuing up to purchase other joke survival items such as earthquake first aid kits, rescue ropes, emergency medicine packages and Swiss Army Knifes. Quite an innovative way to welcome 2012, wouldn't you say?[/size]
[size=14px] [color=#008000] 除了船票之外,人们还排队购买其他搞笑的生存物件,比如地震急救药箱,救援绳索,急诊医药包和瑞士军刀。的确是别出心裁迎接2012的到来啊,不是吗?[/color][/size] 现在已经是 2012了的说。。。。 The acting of selling tickets of Noah's Ark is just an entertainment.