[font=宋体]Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security.[/font][font=宋体] New research shows chronic sleep loss cannot be cured that easily. Scientists teased apart the effects of short- and long-term sleep loss and found that the chronically sleep-deprived may function normally soon after waking up,but experience steadily slower reaction times as the day wears on, even if they had tried to catch up the previous night.[/font]
[font=宋体] It is work with important safety implications in an increasingly busy society, not just for shift-workers but for the roughly one in six Americans who regularly get six hours or less of sleep a night.[/font]
[font=宋体] "We know that staying awake 24 hours in a row impairs performance to alevel comparable to a blood-alcohol content beyond the legal limit todrive," said lead researcher Dr. Daniel Cohen of Boston's Brigham andWomen's Hospital.[/font]
[font=宋体] But when the chronically sleep-deprived pull an all-nighter, "the deterioration is increased tenfold," Cohen said.[/font]
[font=宋体] The National Institutes of Health says adults need seven hours to ninehours of sleep for good health. Regularly getting too little increasesthe risk of health problems, including memory impairment and a weakenedimmune system. More immediately, too little sleep affects reactiontimes; sleepiness is to blame for car crashes and other accidents.[/font]
[font=宋体] The new work shows how two different sleep drives impact the brain, oneduring the normal waking hours and the other over days and weeks ofsleep loss.[/font]
[font=宋体] It has critically important ramifications for anyone who works "crazy hours" and thinks they are performing fine with a few hours of weeknight[/font]
[font=宋体] sleep, said Shelby Freedman Harris, behavioral sleep-medicine directorat New York's Montefiore Medical Center, who was not involved with thenew research.[/font]
[font=宋体] "Don't think you can just bank up your sleep on the weekend, because it doesn't work that way," Harris warned.[/font]
[font=宋体]**** Hidden Message *****[/font] 怎么有时候会觉得越睡越困呢。 我在学校一般就7小时左右睡眠。一到家就12+小时了~ I can't sleep well in the school. It is too terrible 一般星期六睡午觉一直睡到晚上…… that is terrible,I want to make up for it:'( 我在努力中 it's too terrible 不错的帖子! 每天要保证8小时的睡眠时间。 我基本上每天都缺觉,每天都睡不醒。