MEN'S GOSSIP TOPICS 男人们的八卦话题[font=宋体] 1. Drunken friends喝醉的朋友[/font]
[font=宋体] 2. News 新闻[/font]
[font=宋体] 3. Old school friends 老校友[/font]
[font=宋体] 4. Female colleagues at work 女同事[/font]
[font=宋体] 5. The sexiest girl at work 漂亮女同事[/font]
[font=宋体] 6. Spreading rumours 传闻[/font]
[font=宋体] 7. Promotions 晋升[/font]
[font=宋体] 8. Sexual relationships 性关系[/font]
[font=宋体] 9. Salaries 薪水[/font]
[font=宋体] 10. The boss 老板[/font]
[font=宋体] WOMEN'S GOSSIP TOPICS 女人们的八卦话题[/font]
[font=宋体] 1. Other women其他女人[/font]
[font=宋体] 2. News 新闻[/font]
[font=宋体] 3. Relationship problems 人际关系[/font]
[font=宋体] 4. Other people's relationships 其他人的人际关系[/font]
[font=宋体] 5. Sexual relationships 性关系[/font]
[font=宋体] 6. Friend's weight gain 朋友的体重[/font]
[font=宋体] 7. Soap operas 肥皂剧[/font]
[font=宋体] 8. Other women's boyfriends / husbands 朋友的男友/老公[/font]
[font=宋体] 9. The mother-in-law 婆婆[/font]
[font=宋体] 10. Celebrities 名人[/font]
[font=宋体] A study has found that men spend an average 76 minutes a daytittle-tattling with their friends or work colleagues, compared tojust 52 minutes for women.[/font]
[font=宋体] 一项调查发现,男人每天与朋友或同事闲聊的时间平均为76分钟,而女人仅为52分钟。[/font]
[font=宋体] Favourite topics include the antics of drunken friends, oldschool friends, and the most attractive girl at work.[/font]
[font=宋体] 其中聊得最多的话题包括朋友喝醉后的滑稽丑态、老校友以及漂亮的女同事等等。[/font]
[font=宋体] The poll of 5,000 people was conducted by global researchcompany .[/font]
[font=宋体] 这项共有五千人参与的民调由全球调查公司开展。[/font]
[font=宋体] It found the office is the preferred place for men to exchangegossip, whereas women prefer to confide in their friends from thecomfort of their own home.[/font]
[font=宋体] 调查发现,男人最爱在办公室里闲聊,而女人则更爱在自己舒适的家中与朋友互聊心声。[/font]
[font=宋体] A third of men are happiest when chatting with work colleagues,and 58 per cent admit that being a gossip makes them feel "part ofthe gang".[/font]
[font=宋体] 三分之一的男士与同事闲聊时最开心,58%的人坦称参与"八卦"让他们觉得自己是"组织的一部分".[/font]
[font=宋体] And for 31 per cent of men, having a gossip with their partner isactually better than sexual relations.[/font]
[font=宋体] 31%的男士称与伴侣闲聊其实比性接触感觉更好。[/font]
[font=宋体] Other topics good for male chat include the local news agenda,rumours about possible relationships in the office or the boss,promotions, sex and salaries.[/font]
[font=宋体] 男人们爱聊的其它话题包括当地最近发生的新闻、办公室恋情传闻或者上司、晋升、性以及薪水等。[/font]
[font=宋体] A spokesman for Onepoll said: "It is commonly believed that womenare the ones who love to spread rumours, and gossip about theirfriends behind their backs.[/font]
[font=宋体] Onepoll的一位发言人称:"普遍观点认为,女人爱散播谣言以及在背后议论朋友。"[/font]
[font=宋体] "But this poll proves that men aren't as bad as women, they'reworse! Men just love a bit of scandal, and will do anything theycan to be centre of attention with their colleagues andpeers.[/font]
[font=宋体] "但这项民调证明,与女人相比,男人是有过之而无不及!男人爱中伤别人,而且会尽其所能成为同事们关注的焦点。"[/font]
[font=宋体] "At the end of the day, hot gossip spices up what would otherwisebe another boring day at the office."[/font]
[font=宋体] "最后,热议的八卦话题为原本无聊的一天增加了乐趣。"[/font]
[font=宋体] Women also love to talk about news, but rather than focusing onpolitics or government issues, news about soap operas andcelebrities are more likely to cause a debate.[/font]
[font=宋体] 女人们也爱谈论新闻事件,但政治或政府事务并非她们关注的焦点,肥皂剧和名人更容易引起她们的讨论。[/font]
[font=宋体] And any type of relationship is up for discussion--whether it istheir own, their friends, their friends' friends or their bond withtheir mother-in-law.[/font]
[font=宋体] 而且任何类型的人际关系都可成为女人们谈论的话题--无论是她们自己的、朋友的、朋友的朋友的还是婆媳关系。[/font]
[font=宋体] More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing theins and outs of their private lives with their friends.[/font]
[font=宋体] 超过一半的女性坦称她们常与朋友谈论自己的私人生活。[/font]
[font=宋体] But whereas men's discussions are more influenced by what ishappening at work, women are more inclined to take note ofcelebrity lifestyles, soap gossip and other people.[/font]
[font=宋体] 而男人谈论的话题则更多地受到工作中发生的事情的影响,女人们则更关注明星的生活、肥皂剧和其他人。[/font]
[font=宋体] A spokesman for Onepoll continued: "Although they discuss verydifferent things during their gossiping sessions, men and womenagree on one thing--talking with mates, work colleagues or partnersmakes them feel like they belong."[/font]
[font=宋体] Onepoll的发言人说:"尽管男人和女人闲聊时的话题大不相同,但他们在一点上是一致的,那就是与朋友、同事或伴侣聊天会让他们有归属感。"[/font] So the man is the king of gossip~{:7_259:}