【2-18】Get a new for the IPad ?
[attach]13227[/attach][size=2][size=3] 据报道,一方是苹果,一方是深圳唯冠,两公司最近关于苹果平板电脑iPad“商标侵权”的纠纷,引发广大“果粉”的强烈关注。如果二者不能就iPad商标和解,而苹果又败诉的话,苹果将有可能无法在大陆地区使用“iPad”名称。于是,为苹果平板电脑改一个新名,成为许多“果粉”网上热议的话题。据报道称[color=#333333][font=宋体]早就有人在国家工商总局将从“APAD”到“ZPAD”均注册掉的消息后,大多数果粉都叹“悲催”,[/font][/color]他们自动站成“挺Pad”和“弃Pad”两大阵营,起了不少很有才很欢乐的名字[/size][/size]
[b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Today's topic:
[/color][/size][/b][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]What's name you'll intitled for the IPad if IPad has to be renamed?[/color][/size][/b] 我也想要……………… Vpad,if I am asked for naming it .V is the first letter of ‘victory’ and be accepted in popularity.
How about it ?and yours?:) [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=615144&ptid=325441]3#[/url] [i]Realfree[/i] [/b]
I think the name "MyPad" is suitable, the pad is mine.;Phey! [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=615151&ptid=325441]4#[/url] [i]kobe[/i] [/b]
hehe~Kobe,I totally agree with you.The name sounds quite proper and suitable.:handshake umm,kobe is the mixture of both male and female,isn't he?just look at his medals! my goal is to grab five medals ,but not as many as possible ,hehe 就是喜欢你的帖子 没办法