今天的句子是:[b][color=#0000ff]You can say that again![/color][/b]
意思是「我同意你」(I agree with you.)或「你对了」(You are right.)
A : It's so nice to finally have a warm, sunny day.
B : You can say that again!
A : 终于是晴朗温暖的天气了,真好。
B : 你说的没错!
A : This is the worst food I've ever tasted.
B : You can say that again!
A : 这是我吃过最难吃的东西。
B : 你说的没错!
When the professor spoke on human rights, the students responded, "You can say that again!"(当教授谈到人权时;学生回答说:「你说得对!」)
虽然这句话的主词通常只用第二人称单数 You,但在某些情况下,也可以用其他人称。例如:
When we heard Mr. Clinton's speech on tax reduction, my wife turned to me and said, "He can say that again!"(当我们听到柯林顿先生减税的讲演时,内人转头对我说:「他说得对!」) You can say that again. You're right. you can say that again. you can say that again