1.Having A Job Where You Sit All Day[color=#008000]成天端坐身材走样[/color]
A study last month found that sitting for long periods of time can actually expand your ass. "Fat cells seemed to thrive on the inactivity, infiltrating the muscle, and creating thick 'stripes' of fat," the Daily Mail reported. The safest course is to quit your office job and become employed as an aerobics instructor.
[color=#008000] 女人谈判人人厌
Women who negotiate aggressively for higher salaries are socially penalized more than men who do the same, according to research by the author of the important book "Women Don't Ask." "People are less likely to like them," Linda Babcock told NPR. "if they negotiate in a job interview, they are less likely to hire them. There are real social sanctions that occur when women initiate negotiations."
3.Getting A Raise
[color=#008000] 加薪工资赚得多
In most major cities, young single women now out-earn men by about 8%. No wonder they're single! Ladies, men are too insecure to handle it if you earn more than them. If you want to catch a guy, keep that salary low, low, low.
[color=#008000] 在大多数主要的大城市中,现在,年轻的单身女性的薪水要要比男性高出8%。这就难怪她们嫁不出去了。女人比男人赚得多,男人就会很没有安全感。如果你真想找个人嫁了,那就赚得少一点,再少一点吧。
4.Wearing Pants
Dress pants may look appropriate at that conference or department meeting, but they're not very sexy. A study last year found that skirts give a better first impression than pants, and we all know skirts are much sexier. This year, burn your work pants to land a man!
[color=#008000] 在公司大会或部门会议上,身穿裤装也许会看起来很得体很合适,但是穿裤装却与性感不搭边。去年的一项调查发现,穿裙子比穿裤子能给人留下更好的第一印象。原因嘛,就是因为穿裙子更性感一点。今年,找男人就从终结你的裤子开始!
5.Being Confident In Your Work
[color=#008000] 自信满满 神采飞扬
Hey, good for you, you're doing a great job at work! Just make sure you don't display any signs of being proud of yourself. A researcher who asked men to rate the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of photos of women last year found that women displaying pride and confidence were the least attractive. To snare a man instead of scaring him off, you should always be either smiling or displaying shame by lowering your eyes and head.
[color=#008000] 如果你在工作中充满自信,那的确很好!但不要把这种骄傲自豪给表现出来。去年,研究者曾给接受调查的男性看几百张女士的照片,让他们按照吸引人的指数排列顺序。结果发现,在照片中表现得自信满满的女性吸引力最低。所以,要抓住男人,而不是震住他们,你就要低头浅笑,表现得腼腆害羞。
6.Cracking Jokes
[color=#008000] 幽默机智笑话多
Men are frightened of funny women, according to research published a few years ago. "Men see being funny as a male thing," researcher Rod Martin explained. Play it safe by never, ever making a joke. But don't forget to smile (see above)!
[color=#008000]几年前有研究公布说,男人害怕有趣的女人。调查者罗德-马丁解释说,“男人认为有趣是男人的分内事。”所以,要想安全过关,那就永远不要讲笑话。也别忘了要微笑哦(前面说过的,要低眉浅笑)![/color] 7.Indoorswoman
No one will find U'r so great!Cuz U always stay at home and didn't touch anyone. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=614409&ptid=327680]2#[/url] [i]kobe[/i] [/b]
I guess you are saying if a woman always stay indoors and doesn't get in touch with anyone, she will never find her Mr Right no matter how excellent she is.:qq82] Men always like to dominate over women. I do not agree with these points