北京街头深夜惊现女超人 所谓哪般?
[img=542,358]http://att.res.hp009.com/2012/0109/1326073777307.jpg[/img][p=30, 2, left]Ever fancied meeting up with a superhero? Well you could have, had you been in Beijing this past Christmas Eve. For that was the day a real-life superhero walked the streets of the city, helping out the poor. She calls herself the 'Chinese Redbud Woman'.
Dressed in low-cut black tights and wearing a blue mask, her pictures leave us wondering if she attracted attention for more than just her generosity. Jokes aside, she did do a pretty good job of helping out – handing out food, warm clothing and gifts to beggars and homeless people. Why she didn't put on some of the warm clothing herself on a cool December night, is something we don't have an answer to. The appearance of this mysterious woman did cause a stir of sorts among the residents of Beijing. People started talking about her on the internet and in local media. Pictures of her acts of kindness at public places such as the Xidan subway station and in front of the Wangfujing bookstore have been doing the rounds ever since the night of Christmas Eve. The superlady herself communicates with the world through a microblog, written in Chinese. She currently has over 7,000 fans online.
Her message to the world through the microblog loosely translates as, "Today is my first day as the Chinese Redbud Woman, feeling a little nervous. Already prepared the military coats and food for the elderly, also many thanks to the hand warmer friend gave me." A reporter was curious about the identity of the Chinese Redbud Woman, and contacted her through a private message on the microblog. However, she refused to provide any information saying that she just wants to help people in need, and it doesn't matter who she is. Interestingly, this isn't the first instance of the Chinese Redbud Woman. A lady sporting the same superhero moniker made an appearance last May, wearing the exact same outfit. She received great attention when she handed out food and cash to people in Hong Kong.
[color=#008000] 她通过微博传递给外界的信息大致是这样:“今天是我以中国紫荆女侠身份出现的第一天,感觉有点紧张。已为年长的准备了军大衣和食物,同时对一位更热心的朋友给予的支持表示感谢。”一名对中国紫荆女侠的身份感到好奇的记者,通过微博给她发了私信。然而,她拒绝提供任何个人信息,并解释说,她只想帮助那些需要帮助的人们,她是谁并不重要。有趣的是,她并不是第一个中国紫荆女侠。去年5月,一名女士以相同的超级英雄绰号和同样的着装亮相,在香港为人们分发食物和现金,引起了人们的极大关注。[/color]
While everyone seems to be fascinated with comic book characters like the X-Men or the Avengers, there seem to be real superheroes walking among us, actually doing something…
[color=#008000]当大家都钟情于《X战警》、《复仇者》等漫画书里的人物时,似乎有一些超人真正出现在真实生活中,来到我们中间行侠仗义了。[/color] i want to see her face.:qq88] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=623763&ptid=334041]2#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
I advise you to go to Beijing on this Christmas Eve. Super-Woman is hot{:5_118:} [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=623965&ptid=334041]4#[/url] [i]kobe[/i] [/b]
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