英语听力论坛's Archiver

雨落风残 发表于 2012-2-29 15:46



[size=14px]     An urban administrator in Beijing has been thrust into the spotlight after the release of his new bestselling book in which he openly discusses working in the city management system, China Youth Daily reports.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]    [/color][color=#4c7abc]《中国青年报》报道称,一名城管队员在出版了一本公开讲述自己工作经历的畅销书后,几乎一夜成名。[/color]
[size=14px]    "Chengguan: an Insider`s View" by Song Zhigang, a Beijing chengguan (urban administrator who is responsible for city management), tackles the role of chengguans in China, which has long been a major issue of contention because of their love-hate relationship with city residents.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]    [/color][color=#4c7abc]这本《城管来了:一个局内人的观点》作者是北京城管宋志刚,书中对于中国城管这一角色进行了解读,长久以来这一群体因为与市民间爱恨交加的关系而处于舆论的中心。[/color]

[size=14px]    While their job duties include helping people and making the city better, they also must crack down on street vendors who operate without a license. While the chengguans receive smiles and thank-yous from local residents, they also are constantly showered in sarcasm for stripping people of their livelihoods and being inhumane and violent.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]  [/color][color=#4c7abc]  他们的职责包括帮助市民、让城市变得更美好,但同时也必须打击那些没有营业执照的街头小贩。尽管城管们会得到当地居民的微笑和答谢,但也常常因中断他人的生计,或不够人道或暴力执法而置身于铺天盖地的挖苦声中。[/color]

[size=14px]    In his book, Song shares his personal experiences as a chengguan and says he believes there are inadequacies in China`s city management system. He expresses his opinion on the social problems that are common in Beijing and across China, which show no sign of abating despite all the efforts to solve them.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]    在书中,宋志刚分享了自己作为一名城管的亲身经历,并写道他个人认为国内的城管系统还尚未完善。同时他针对北京和整个中国的社会问题发表了个人观点,表示尽管各方都在全力尝试解决问题,但并没有任何缓和的迹象。[/color]

[size=14px]    Song also touches upon recent hot topics that are both attention-grabbing and controversial with a hint of humor and attempt to tease. For example, he comments on three deadly accidents involving school buses, which all occurred in one month, saying: "It wouldn`t hurt to spend some money on improving school bus safety given all the money that the government has wasted."[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7] [/color][color=#4c7abc]   同时,宋志刚还用略带幽默、调侃的方式,提到了近来的一些备受瞩目且饱受争议的热点话题。例如,他就一个月内连续发生三起校车事故发表了评论:“比起被政府浪费掉的那些钱,花些钱去改善校车安全性根本算不了什么。”[/color]

[size=14px]    Song also said he would smash the luxurious chandelier in a state-owned enterprise, which cost an extravagant 8 million yuan.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7] [/color][color=#4c7abc]   他还表示,要是换做他,他真想去砸碎某国企里那个价值800万人民币,极尽奢华的吊灯。
[size=14px]    Despite his seemingly lighthearted tone, Song said he performs his job duties with reason and respect and believes nothing is unsolvable with better understanding among all people.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]    [/color][color=#4c7abc]尽管语气看似漫不经心,但宋志刚说他在执行公务时总是理性执法,尊重他人,他相信只要人们都能相互加深理解的话,没什么问题是解决不了的。[/color]

[size=14px]    "The current city management is far from satisfactory," he writes. "Chengguans are rude and violent, which makes both the residents and us unhappy. It just won`t work. Our city should be more tolerant, more people-oriented and more beautiful."[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]   [/color][color=#4c7abc] “目前,城市管理情况还远不能令人满意。”他写道,“城管们的粗鲁与暴力,使得市民和我们自己都觉得不痛快。这样没用。我们的城市应该更包容,更具人性化,也就会更加美好。”[/color]

[size=14px]    In "Chengguan: an Insider`s View," Song speaks eloquently about the rights and wrongs of both chengguans and the public and expresses his hopes and vision for the future.[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7]   [/color][color=#4c7abc] 在《城管来了:一个局内人的观点》一书中,宋志刚不仅用生动的语言探讨了城管与公众的是非对错,同时也表达出了自己对未来的希望与梦想。[/color]

[size=14px]    "I can`t change the whole country, but I can do something to make it better," he writes. "Becoming a chengguan was my choice, and I`m proud of it."[/size]
[size=14px][color=#2449b7] [/color][color=#4c7abc]   “我无法改变整个国家,但我可以做些什么让它变得更美好。”他写道,“成为一名城管是我的选择,我为之自豪。”[/color]

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