英语听力论坛's Archiver

blueskywhy 发表于 2012-3-4 22:06


[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]        Tante Sanna would bring in dishes of sweet, sweet, sticky candy, or a great bowl of grapes or peaches, and Great-aunt Stephina would converse gravely about happenings on the farm ,and, more rarely, of the outer world. [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]        桑娜阿姨每次都要端出几碟粘乎乎的南非糖果和一钵葡萄或桃子给我们吃。斯蒂菲娜老姑总是一本正经他说些农场里的事,偶尔也谈些外边世界发生的事。[/size][/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]        [/size][/color][/font][color=#444444]When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.[/color]

[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]      待我们吃完糖果或水果,她总要将我们送到屋前的门廊,叮嘱我们要多谢母亲给她送食品,要我们对父母亲转达一些稀奇古怪的老式祝愿,然后就转身回到屋里,随手关上门,使那里再次成为神秘世界。 [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]
      As I grew older I found, rather to my surprise, that I had become genuinely fond of my aloof old great-aunt. But to this day I do not know what strange impulse made me take George to see her and to tell her, before I had confided in another living soul, of our engagement. To my astonishment, she was delighted. [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]      让我感到吃惊的是,随着我逐渐长大,我发现打心眼里喜欢起我那位孤伶伶的老姑姑来。至今我仍不知道那是一种什么样的奇异动力,使我在还没有透露给别人之前就把乔治领去看望姑姑,告诉她我们已经订婚的消息。不成想,听到这个消息以后,她竟非常高兴。

      "An Englishman,"she exclaimed."But that is splendid, splendid. And you,"she turned to George,"you are making your home in this country? You do not intend to return to England just yet?" [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]      "是英国人!"她惊讶地大声说道,"好极了。你,"她转向乔治,"你要在南非安家吗?你现在不打算回国吧?" [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]
      She seemed relieved when she heard that George had bought a farm near our own farm and intended to settle in South Africa. She became quite animated, and chattered away to him. [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][color=#444444][size=4]      当她听说乔治已经在我们农场附近购置了一片农场并打算定居下来时,好像松了一口气。她兴致勃勃地和乔治攀谈起来。[/size][/color][/font]

kobe 发表于 2012-3-6 09:30

This love letter like a novel

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