英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2012-3-26 10:18



"There's a lot of stigma about men having done something wrong. So, if a man has been found to be HIV positive, chances are he's done something he shouldn't have been doing. So, it's either that you have a Christian country like Uganda, for example, where they shouldn't have been having pre-marital sex, or they've been visiting sexworkers, or they've been having a relationship outside of their marriage. So, a variety of things that create stigma."男性一旦做了什么错事,就会遭受严厉的指责。而如果一个男人被发现患有艾滋病,很有可能就是他做了什么不该做的事。假如你来自像乌干达这样信奉基督教的国家,却违反规定发生了婚前性行为,或是去嫖娼,又或是发生了婚外恋,诸如此类之事都会让你留下污点。________________________________________.

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