2012.3.27 每日当三省吾身,每日三译之三:I find that
[p=30, 2, left]I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. **** Hidden Message *****[attach]13369[/attach][/p] smmmm ? I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.我发现工作越努力我得到的快乐越多。 我发现工作越努力,我就似乎越走运。 我发现我工作得越努力,我就越幸运 find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
我越努力,我会更幸运 我发现越努力越幸运。 我发现勤奋带来运气。 I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
意即:我发现幸运垂青勤奋之人。 我发现工作越努力得到的好运就越多