[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20120402.mp3[/audio]Imagine that you have lost your job. You could start a sewing business at home if you had a better sewing machine and a little money to advertise. But you cannot get a loan from a bank.试想一下你失业了。如果你有一台较好的缝纫机,有点小资金可以做广告,你就可以在家开个缝制店。但你无法从银行贷款。__________________________________________________________.
**** Hidden Message ***** in .manypeople..from studens ..groups.
such groups make small ..for business or personal use 学习学习 In recent times,many people in similar situations have received loan from XX Finance Groups, such groups make small loan for business or personal use. In recent times,many people in similar situations have received loans from students micro Finance Groups, such groups make small loan for business or personal use