初级英语听写 10.30
**** Hidden Message ***** Talk this clothes at the washing mechine and put it in the dry,Ok?
All right,Mum.
Now where are we?
We are talking about who will save the money.
(Come on!Everybady) 感谢楼主的辛勤劳动,水平再差相信坚持就是胜利!
Take the clothes at the washing machine and put them in the dryer,ok?
All right,Mum
Now for your are we?
We'll talking about covision and right to the sell morning.
怎么感觉不通啊! 看自己的听写简直就是幽默稿一篇!!!:L Now where are we? 前几天听过的,不过今天的语调有点不同,没敢确定,结果瞎写了一通,自己都认为不顺,汗 对了,我们这里的听写材料有专门的MP3吗?我想下下来锻炼下,哪位可以告知,多谢了! Take the close out of the washing machine and put it in the dryer,ok?
All right,mum.
Now where are we?
We are talking about who we sure invite to the …… 是个情景对话,所以前两句和后两句感觉关联不大。 [b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=92454&ptid=37235]4#[/url] [i]smallhills[/i] [/b]
写的还可以,不要太谦虚了。 take the clothes out of the mechine and put them in dry OK?
all right mum
now where are we
we are talking about who will be invited to the ceremony [b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=92456&ptid=37235]6#[/url] [i]smallhills[/i] [/b]
听力室主站的内容支持下载的,这个不支持哦。 :):) [table][tr][td]Take the clothes out of the washing mechine and put them in drier, OK?
All right mum.
Now where are we?
We are talking about who we shouldn't invite to the ceremony.[/td][/tr][/table]
:qq82] :qq82]:qq77] woman:take the clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer ,ok?
man:all right ,mum .
woman:where are we ?
man:we are talking about who we shall invite to the ceremony . why we must reply? :qq82] 谢谢楼主,听下咯! 初来乍到 多多指教~