[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/cet6/cet620120413.mp3[/audio]Antibiotics can also be misused when the drugs are not taken under expert supervision. In many countries, antibiotics _____________________________. But Hicks says that's not true everywhere. "In certain areas, antibiotics can be obtained without prescription, so there may be more inappropriate antibiotic use in some of those settings."
The CDC says about half the antibiotics used in the U.S. each year are prescribed unnecessarily, _____________________________that's just in the United States. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that have to be treated with more powerful and often more expensive drugs. And sometimes there are no drugs that work effectively, which increases the danger to people who are infected.
The U.S. campaign for the smart use of antibiotics parallels similar efforts in Europe and Canada, which Hicks says _____________________________. "Resistant bacteria don't respect country or national boundaries and can easily travel on planes. Antibiotic resistance anywhere is really antibiotic resistance everywhere." You can read more about the smart use of antibiotics under CDC's website at cdc.gov/getsmart.
**** Hidden Message ***** 1.require a doctor's prescription
2.costing a billion dollars
3.? ? international nature of threat