how can i be a member of your group QQ.i 'd like to jion in you English Town1:15483697(已满)English Town2:16833999
English Town3:11179473
English Town4:11506511
回复 #2 tingroom 的帖子
english town1 is full ,what does this sentence mean?it means the room is always full or mostof the time is full or other meanings .if it is always busy then i can only choose others .am i
right?please reply. The english town1 could hold hundred people only.so you can only choose other town.
回复 #4 tingroom 的帖子
i see.thank you!QQ群加入
是不是就象平时加QQ好友那样加就可以了. 查找-群用户查找-输入群号English Town5 33957885 Thank you very much