[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20120421.mp3[/audio]Actors and teachers known as teacher-artists help students write stories. The children feel the pride of ownership in their work and may get to see their story performed.这些被称作教师艺术家的演员兼教师们帮助孩子学习写故事,孩子们对自己作品的所有权感到骄傲,可能会去看自己作品的表演。____________________________________________.
**** Hidden Message ***** 每天听一次 听听 我需要回复看什么呢? 请问斑竹,我该怎么做这个练习呢?就是听一段,翻译一段吗? 每天都听 [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=691592&ptid=379017]5#[/url] [i]riverfeng[/i] [/b]
是的,就是听写出空缺的句子并且翻译。 Aout 200 actors and teachers are members of the stories' piolts,which was founded in 2003,a group based in Los angeles and also has the performers on the East Coast. :victory:lol About 200 actors and teachers are members of the story piolet. It was founded in 2003. The group is based in Los Angelos and also has performers on the East Coast. 每日一听 顶你,支持楼主!有意思 ````````` 很赞啊 不能下载吗? [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=690850&ptid=379017]1#[/url] [i]Rebecca949[/i] [/b]
About 200 actors and teachers are members of the story p... It was found in 2003 ,the group is based in lots of energy ,and also has performance on the east cost . 练口语