2012年04月23日 每日一译
[i][img=0,20]http://img.t.sinajs.cn/t3/style/images/common/face/emimage/ee80a2.png[/img]You have the strength, the patience and the passion to achieve your ambitions, your goals and your dreams. All you need to do is trying.[img=0,20]http://img.t.sinajs.cn/t3/style/images/common/face/emimage/ee80a2.png[/img][/i]
[size=5][color=blue]try to translate this sentence into chinese.[/color][/size]
[i]**** Hidden Message *****[/i] 你有坚强、耐心和热情去实现你的雄心壮志、你的目标和梦想。你所需要做的是尝试。 你有能力,有耐心,有激情去实现自己的雄心,目标和梦想。你需要做的只是去尝试。 你会有精力、耐心和激情去施展你的抱负。你需要做的只是去尝试。 你有实现自己抱负、目标、梦想的力量、毅力和激情,你所需要做的就是尝试。 [i]You have the strength, the patience and the passion to achieve your ambitions, your goals and your dreams. All you need to do is trying.[/i]