英语听力论坛's Archiver

eileengao 发表于 2012-4-24 15:14

情景会话:整形手术Plastic surgery


A:What are you doing? [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 你在干什么?

B:Look at me. I look so old! I look as if I were thirty. [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 看看我,我看起来真老,好像已经30岁了。

A:Come on! Stop being so vain. You look great! You are beautiful! [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 别那么爱虚荣。你起来很漂亮。

B:Yes, I am, but I think it’s time for some plastic surgery I’m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin. See? [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 我是漂亮,但我想是时候做下整形手术,我讨厌这些皱纹和下垂的皮肤,看见了吗?

A:I don’t see any wrinkles or sagging skin! You are 25, stop being ridiculous. Besides, I think that people who get Botox, have facelifts, or tummy tucks look weird. It doesn’t look natural. [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 我没看见皱纹和下垂的皮肤。你才25岁,别那么幼稚。而且我认为使用Botox,进行面部整容或是做紧腹手术的人看起来很奇怪。看起来不自然。

B:Whatever, I think I’m gonna get liposuction and a nose job and some breast implants as well. [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 无论如何,我想我会做下吸脂术,整下鼻子,做下隆胸手术。

A:I think you need to get brain surgery. I honestly don’t think you need cosmetic surgery. You look amazing. [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 我觉得你应该给脑袋做下手术。说实话,我不认为你需要做整容手术,你看起来很迷人。

B:[color=red][color=darkolivegreen]I thought you were my friend and would support me on this! I just want to feel better about myself and feel more attractive.[/color][/color] [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 我觉得你是我的朋友会支持我那么做。我只是想自我感觉好些,让自己看起来更有魅力。

A:You don’t need plastic surgery to do that. You are fine the way you are and you have guys drooling all over you! Plus, plastic surgery hurts! [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 但不必做整容手术。你有自己的魅力,男人都对你痴狂。而且,整容手术会有伤害。

B:Really? [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 真的吗?

A:Yeah! When I got my nose job I was black and blue for a week! [img]http://talk.oralpractice.com/images/SC_laba_ioc.gif[/img] 是的,我做了整鼻手术,整整一周我都青一块紫一块的。

kobe 发表于 2012-4-24 23:51

Plastic surgery!

簿子酒 发表于 2012-4-26 08:45

i want a plastic surgery~;P

tingroom 发表于 2012-4-26 14:45

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=696337&ptid=380588]3#[/url] [i]簿子酒[/i] [/b]


簿子酒 发表于 2012-4-26 16:03

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=696898&ptid=380588]4#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]

    {:7_251:}i am handsome, any way.However ,i want more beautiful~kaka

mei_charles 发表于 2012-6-8 11:07

o man~~

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