☆天天学英语☆前传:词组 be all smilesThe student was all smiles when he got the highest score on the test.
解析:all smiles 是形容人非常愉快、满面春风的样子。 ☆天天学英语☆之一:“枪手”该怎么翻?
He arranged for a substitute to take an examination for him.
解析:substitute有枪手的意思,也可以解释为带课教师。 ☆天天学英语☆之二:词组 lean times
How to profit in lean times?
解析:lean times 不景气时期;同样地,lean years的意思就是荒年
fall on lean times 处于不景气时期
This country has fallen on lean times.
这个国家处于不景气时期。 ☆天天学英语☆之三:雨小了
-Shall we leave now?
-No,We'll wait until it slows down a bit.
解析:slow down不仅可以指(使)..慢下来,还有(雨)小了的意思 ☆天天学英语☆之四:一帆风顺
We had some trouble at the beginning, but the experimet was plain sailing on the whole.
解析:plain sailing可以解释为一帆风顺,万事如意等。
plain这个形容词有很多意思,在这个偏正短语中的意思是“平静的,顺利的” ☆天天学英语☆之五:请发言
Now, I give the floor to u.
解析:give the floor to... 请..发言
take the floor 起立发言
ask for the floor 要求发言 ☆天天学英语☆之六:迷上你
I have a crush on you.
解析:Crush,就是迷恋的意思。have a crush on her/him就是对某位男生或女生十分着迷,通常指的是不太熟的异性,而且一般都是一相情愿的那种,可以说比较惨哦
have a big/huge/major/a little crush on sb. ☆天天学英语☆之七:出身皇族
He was born in the purple and was brought up in the grand palace, he had
little idea what the world beyond him was like.
purple在词典中的解释为:of a color reserved for the use of a royal or imperial ruler,汉语的意思即为:为皇家而专用的颜色;由此可以知道born in the purple这一短语意为“出身于帝王家族,出身高贵”。 ☆天天学英语☆之八:怒火中烧
Stay away from him. He is all burnt up now.
解析:be all burnt up 指一个人十分生气,从burn这个动词可以推出,这个词组是形容那个人气得像被火烧了一样。 ☆天天学英语☆之九:晴天霹雳
The news that the president was murdered came like a bolt from the blue for many people in this country.
解析:很容易理解,a bolt from the blue中的bolt有闪电的意思,解释为晴天霹雳。
英语的含义是a sudden, unexpected event。
也可以写作a bolt out of the blue,意思相同。 ☆天天学英语☆之十:错失良机
He missed the boat by not investing in that gold mine.
解析:Miss是失去的意思。 To miss the boat从字面来解释,意思是:误了上船的时间。但是,作为俗语,to miss the boat就是失去了一个好机会。 ☆天天学英语☆之十一:白手起家
They started their business from scratch.
解析:to start from scratch 有白手起家,从头开始的意思。 英文中的含义是starting sth from the very beginning ☆天天学英语☆之十二:说实话
please level with me.Did you tell me the truth?
解析:to level with someone 解释为向某人说实话,即acknowledge, admit等。注意了哦,在这个词组中,level是作动词用。 ☆天天学英语☆之十三:面临威胁
I now have a major financial obligation hanging over my head.
解析:hang over sb's head 解释为某人正面临威胁,某些问题,烦心事一直悬在心头,挥之不去。 ☆天天学英语☆之十四:归因于。。。
She puts her success down to hard work and good luck.
解析:put sth down to sth 解释为把某事归因于某事。如果没有了后面的to,意思就完全不同了。
put sth down着陆,放下,平定
put sb down 使下车 ☆天天学英语☆之十五:作最坏的打算
The military commands have ordered all the soldiers to prepare for the worst.
解析:词组prepare for the worst 解释为作最坏的打算。
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
抱最好的愿望,作最坏的打算。 ☆天天学英语☆之十六:发源于
The Rhine springs from the south of Switzerland.
解析:spring from 有“发源于”的意思,spring在这里作动词用。 ☆天天学英语☆之十七:更有甚者
Nowadays many students cheat on exams. To top it off, some even arrange substitutes.
解析:to top it off 解释为更有甚者,更糟糕的是,一般放在句首。 ☆天天学英语☆之十八:很高的评价
I have a high regard for Tom. Because he's so wonderful.
解析:have a high regard for someone/sth 解释为对某人/某事有很高的评价。 ☆天天学英语☆之十九:沧海一粟
The knowledge we have is just a a drop in the bucket.
我们所拥有的知识不过只是沧海一粟。 ☆天天学英语☆之二十:开玩笑
When he told me that he'd got the schalorship, i realized he was just pulling my leg.
解析:pull someone's leg可以解释为逗某人,开某人玩笑。英语中的含义为make fun of ☆天天学英语☆二十一:独一无二
Princess: What kind of knight are you?
Shrek: One of a kind.
解析:one of a kind的意思是独一无二。也就是很独特喽,任何东西或人都无法与之相比。 ☆天天学英语☆二十二:言之有理
-Keeping the balance of nature is so important.
-Your point is well taken.
解析:Point is well taken.这句话解释为言之有理,英语中可以解释为make sense等。 ☆天天学英语☆二十三:不闻不问
Officials sit on their hands as taxes keep increasing.
解析:sit on one's hands的中文意思为不闻不问,什么事情也不做,在英语中解释为do nothing; not take part etc. ☆天天学英语☆二十四:人山人海
-How many people are there in the stadium?
-Believe it or not, a sea of faces.
解析:人山人海在英语中可以说成a sea of faces,中式英语中的people mountain people sea不可取哦:p ☆天天学英语☆二十五:口无遮拦
Believe him and tell him the secret. He won't shoot from the lip.
解析:shoot from the lip解释为口无遮拦,什么都往外说。英语中的含义是speak rashly without any hesitation
shoot-from-the-lip可以作形容词哦~ ☆天天学英语☆二十六:弄清真相
It has been very difficult getting to the bottom of some complicated problems in the company.
解析:短语get to the bottom of解释为弄清……的真相,也就是find out the real cause of something。 ☆天天学英语☆二十七:达成协议
We finally brought them to terms.
解析:达成协议可以用bring sb to terms,这个词组等于come to an agreement。英语中解释为make someone agree to do something. ☆天天学英语☆二十八:拐弯抹角
He is always beating around the bush when he talks.
解析:beat around the bush可以解释为拐弯抹角,闪烁其词,说话绕远路,兜圈子,不切主题等。英语中的含义为talk about things without giving a clear answer ☆天天学英语☆二十九:操纵
During the whole meeting it looked like the vice-manager was calling the shots.
解析:call the shots有操纵,控制的意思,就如同be in charge这个词组。 ☆天天学英语☆三十:犹豫不决
-Has Tom decided how to deal with the matter?
-No, he's still dragging his heels.
解析:drag one's heels 可以解释为犹豫不决,裹足不前。
再顺便提一下另外1个词组:take to one's heels,它的意思是逃走,溜之大吉。 ☆天天学英语☆三十一:争 端
The length of the project was a major bone of contention during the talks.
解析:bone of contention 解释为争论的焦点,争端,英语含义为a dispute,a confilct or argument about something. ☆天天学英语☆三十二:竭尽所能
All the competitors are ready to go for broke to win the first prize.
解析:to go for broke解释为竭尽所能,也有孤注一掷之意,英语含义为risk everything on one big effort, try as hard as possible ☆天天学英语☆三十三:并驾齐驱
A new poll shows that Labour and the Tories are running virtually neck and neck.
解析:neck and neck其实来源与赛马比赛,原意为赛马时两马颈部同时抵达终点,后来就引申到并驾齐驱,不相上下等意思。neck-and-neck可以作形容词。 ☆天天学英语☆三十四:团 结
During the meeting the opposite side closed ranks and refused to compromise on any issue.
解析:close ranks 是紧密团结,共同奋斗的意思。英语含义:unite and fight together ☆天天学英语☆三十五:悬而未决
The future of this project is hanging in the balance.
解析:hang in the balance,(指决定、结果、某人的未来等)不能确定的,尚未决定,悬而未决。英语含义:have two equally possible results, be uncertain ☆天天学英语☆三十六:锦囊妙计
I thought that the negotiations would be unsuccessful but my boss had another card up his sleeve that we didn't know about.
解析:card up one's sleeve(card作名词用哦)解释为锦囊妙计,绝招,王牌等。英语含义为another plan or argument saved for later。 ☆天天学英语☆三十七:聊 天
I was up until four this morning chewing the fat with my roommate and a couple of friends who dropped in.
解析:to chew the fat 是一个俗语,意思是几个朋友、同事或一些熟人坐在一起随便聊天,不管是天南地北,或是张家长李家短,想讲什么就讲什么。 ☆天天学英语☆三十八:摊 牌
He laid his cards on the table during the meeting to dispose of the excess inventory.
解析:lay one's cards on the table(also put one's cards on the table)从字面上就可以看出是摊牌的意思,通俗点说就是坦率诚实地表明自己的立场,看法的。英语含义是let someone know one's positions and intentions openly and honestly. ☆天天学英语☆三十九:发 生
He believes an invasion was never in the cards.
解析:in the cards有2种意思1)可能发生 2)必然会发生。英语含义是Likely or certain to happen.