英语听力论坛's Archiver

x-ace 发表于 2009-11-21 14:47

a drop in the bucket

a drop in the bucket沧海一粟/这根本就不算什么/这只不过是九牛 一毛。
  Definition: a very small amount in comparison to the whole
  “水桶中的一滴水”这个惯用语很容易让人想起汉语中“沧海一粟”,实际上,“a drop in the bucket"多用于美语,也可说成"a drop in the ocean",表示同整体比起来,只占很小的一部分或者是和较大、较多、较重要的事物比,并不算什么。
  例句:A hundred thousand may seem a lot but it's a drop in the bucket/ocean compared to the millions that need to be spent. "又如,I'd like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket.顺便说一句,bucket一词所指的桶,一般就指我们以前家里用来提水或者提砂子/油漆用的桶。我们平常说倾盆大雨,大家比较熟悉it rains cats and dogs.其实还有更相近的It rains buckets.
  Example dialog:
  A: Wow, the flowers for your wedding cost you one thousand dollars?
  B: That's just a drop in the bucket compared to the other expenses

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