[url=http://www.enread.com/news/sciandtech/78992.html][color=#000000]Apples[/color][/url][color=#000000] may be among our favourite fruits, but they rarely stay crispy for long enough. [/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]An [/color][url=http://www.enread.com/news/sciandtech/78992.html][color=#000000]apple[/color][/url][color=#000000] that stays fresh for months has been developed by Australian scientists and could be on shop shelves by next year.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]Researchers have spent the last 20 years developing the fruit, which they have now dubbed(授予称号) "the world's best apple."[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]The [/color][url=http://www.enread.com/news/sciandtech/78992.html][color=#000000]apple[/color][/url][color=#000000] – at this stage known as RS103-130 – stays "crispy(脆的)" for 14 days in a fruit bowl, but if kept in a fridge will remain fresh for "months on end(连续)".[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]Its longevity(长寿) is also obtained without genetic modification – its disease-resistant properties come from a gene found in the Asiatic apple malus floribunda(花束月季).[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]The apple has been created by Queensland government experts in Australia.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]Tim Mulherin, Primary Industries Minister, said the state government was looking for a commercial supply partner to put the new apple on the market as early as next year.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"The beauty of this [/color][url=http://www.enread.com/news/sciandtech/78992.html][color=#000000]fruit[/color][/url][color=#000000] is that you can buy it and stick it in a fruit bowl and it will maintain its firmness, texture and crispness for up to 14 days," he said.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"Another advantage is that if it goes into longer term storage, it will retain its freshness for months on end.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"This new variety is sweet. It ticks the other boxes too because it is disease resistant, so requires few or no fungicides(杀菌剂).[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"Initial taste tests have been outstanding. Out of the five [/color][url=http://www.enread.com/news/sciandtech/78992.html][color=#000000]apple[/color][/url][color=#000000] types tasted, the new variety scored the highest – even better than the Pink Lady which is very popular in Britain."[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]Scientist Dr Simon Middleton has been working with apples at the Applethorpe Research Station since 1980 and said he was impressed by RS103-130.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"This variety is unique in that it is naturally resistant to apple scab, also called black spot, a disease that costs the apple industry £6m (more than $10m) a year in Australia alone," he said.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#000000]"There is a huge demand from growers to find a disease-resistant variety that requires few or no fungicides."[/color]